Are there fish in the Presidium?

Paragon Option: Tell The Truth Tell them that there are no fish in the Presidium. Naturally, they’ll be disappointed but they will also thank you for letting them know.

How do I keep the fish alive in Mass Effect 2?

Shepard’s piscine companions must be fed after every mission or assignment to ensure that they remain alive. This can be extended to two assignments or missions back to back, provided there’s no returning to the Normandy in between. Otherwise, the dead fish must be cleaned out and new ones must be purchased.

Who knows about fish in the Presidium?

How to Find Out About Presidium Fish in Mass Effect 2. On the Citadel in Mass Effect 2, Shepard can find the two krogan, Kargesh and Rukar discussing fish on the Presidium on Level 27. Once the quest becomes active, Shepard should head upstairs or take a cab to Level 28 and enter the Dark Star Lounge.

How long can a krogan live?

Krogan naturally reproduce and mature at an extremely high rate, and are also capable of living for centuries, sometimes well over a thousand years, before dying a natural death. Biotic individuals are rare, though those who do possess the talent are typically quite strong in their abilities.

How often do you need to feed fish me2?

Mass Effect 2 Shepard’s piscine companions must be fed after every mission or assignment to ensure that they remain alive. This can be extended to two assignments or missions back to back, provided there’s no returning to the Normandy in between.

Can you overfeed fish me2?

According to some vague sources, fishes can be overfed. But to be honest, if you ignore the fish, they die. If you feed the fish, they die. If you have Kelly feed the fish, they die (That’s in Mass Effect 2).

Who lives longer Asari or krogan?

Asari can live up to a century and Salarians can only live for up to 40 human years. But what about Krogans, Turians, Quarians and the other species mentioned? The “Frog people” are called Drell. Though it’s the Salarians that live around 40 years.