Can AVPlayer play YouTube videos?

Currently, you can’t play a YouTube video directly from an iOS application using an AVPlayer object. The only method currently supported by YouTube involves embedding an iFrame container inside your application to load the video.

How do I play videos on SwiftUI?

  1. The first step is to import the AVKit framework.
  2. The second step is create video URL . The URL can be created for local video or remote. In our code case, a URL was created for local video from the bundle.
  3. Final step is to pass AVPlayer , as the first parameter to VideoPlayer view.

How play local video iOS Swift?

How to play video in swift(AVPlayerViewController)

  1. import UIKit import AVKit. Swift.
  2. guard let filePath = Bundle.main.path(forResource: “A”, ofType: “mp4”) else { return} Swift.
  3. let player = AVPlayer(url: URL(fileURLWithPath: filePath)) Swift.
  4. let vc = AVPlayerViewController()
  5. vc.player = player.
  6. present(vc, animated: true)

How do I make a video player in Swift?

Steps to create custom video player using AVPlayer

  1. Open VIdeoPlayer.
  2. In VideoPlayer.swift create an IBOutlet of UIView and name it as vwPlayer.
  3. Connect IBOutlet created in step 2 with view object in VideoPlayer.
  4. Open VideoPlayer.swift, now we will first import AVKit framework and create an instance of AVPlayer.

What is Avplayerlayer?

An object that presents the visual contents of a player object.

How do you play a local movie file with AVPlayer?

The AVPlayer class method playerWithURL: will allow you to load a media file for playback. In terms of output, create an AVPlayerViewController assign the player properly, and present the view controller.

What is iOS video player?

The iOS video player comes with the file synchronization feature, enabling you to play videos stored in Dropbox, GDrive, OneDrive, Box, iCloud Drive, iTunes, or through Wi-Fi sharing. You can also stream videos from SMB, FTP, UPnP/DLNA media servers, and the web.