Can blocked sinuses cause low oxygen levels?

In our study, patients with nasal obstruction had mild hypoxemia and decreased oxygen saturation. Oxygenation was significantly impaired further with nasal packing (PaO2 slightly decreased while oxygen saturation is significantly decreased during packing).

Can chronic sinusitis cause low white blood count?

Viral infection was detected in 81.6% of patients with sinusitis. No significantly increased levels of antibodies to bacteria were detected. Serum C reactive protein concentrations, erythrocyte sedimentation rates, and white blood cell counts were low in patients with sinusitis.

Does sinusitis affect blood pressure?

Reported sinusitis is associated with hypertension but only in women. Mechanisms linking upper respiratory disorders to hypertension merit investigation.

What causes Sinusite?

Sinusitis can be caused by a virus, bacteria, or fungus that swells and blocks the sinuses. A few specific causes include: The common cold. Nasal and seasonal allergies, including allergies to mold.

What are causes of low white blood cells?

A low white blood cell count usually is caused by:

  • Viral infections that temporarily disrupt the work of bone marrow.
  • Certain disorders present at birth (congenital) that involve diminished bone marrow function.
  • Cancer or other diseases that damage bone marrow.

What vitamin deficiencies cause low WBC?

Some vitamins and minerals like vitamin B12 and folate play a crucial role in WBC formation. Low levels of vitamin B6, copper, and zinc may also play a role in low WBC production. A blood test can identify whether these nutrients are low, as you should not take supplements of these nutrients if your levels are normal.

Can sinus infection cause heart problems?

Living with sick sinus syndrome People with sick sinus syndrome have a higher chance of getting other heart-related conditions. These include atrial fibrillation (an irregular heartbeat), heart failure, and cardiac arrest. Some people with sick sinus syndrome may have a greater risk of having a stroke.