Can C. diff be transmitted to another person?

C. diff (Clostridium difficile) is contagious. While most cases are caused by antibiotic use, people can also get C. difficile infection from touching infected people or surfaces and not washing their hands.

How long is C. diff contagious on surfaces?

C. difficile spores can be shed to the environment by both asymptomatic and symptomatic patients and may survive for up to 5 months on inanimate surfaces (17). They resist the bactericidal effects of most hospital disinfectants and most other decontamination techniques (18).

What to do if you live with someone who has C. diff?

If you do encounter someone who is infected, always use soap and warm water to wash your hands. C. diff spores are not effectively killed by some products, such as alcohol-based hand sanitizers.

How do you prevent C. diff from another person?

Washing with soap and water is the best way to prevent the spread from person to person. Remember: you can come in contact with C. diff germs—and even carry them on, or in, your body—and not get sick….These include but are not limited to:

  1. bed linens.
  2. towels.
  3. household linens.
  4. clothing, especially underwear.

How do you get C. diff at home?

C. diff is spread through feces. Surfaces such as toilets, bathroom fixtures, bed linens, medical equipment and door handles can get contaminated with feces when a person has C. diff diarrhea, especially if the person or the caregiver/healthcare provider does not wash hands.

What are the isolation precautions for C. diff?

Contact Precautions

  • Use gloves and gown when entering patients’ rooms and during patient care. Remove PPE and perform hand hygiene when exiting the room.
  • Change gloves and gowns and perform hand hygiene when moving from one patient to another when patients are cohorted, and before leaving patient room.

How long is isolation for C. diff?

unformed stools in a 24-hour period). Because an infected person may continue to shed bacteria even after symptoms resolve, facilities can consider extending Isolation Precautions (i.e. until 2 days after last unformed stool).