Can eyesight be corrected with laser?

Summary. Laser eye surgery is a medical procedure that involves the use of a laser to reshape the surface of the eye. This is done to improve or correct short-sightedness, long-sightedness and astigmatism. It can also be helpful in overcoming presbyopia (difficulty seeing up close as we get older).

Which laser eye treatment is best?

LASIK is the best known and most commonly performed. Many articles, including this one, will use the term “LASIK” to refer to all types of laser eye surgery.

What is the safest laser vision correction?

All surgeries carry some risk of complications and side effects, but LASIK is generally considered a safe procedure with a low complication rate. In fact, LASIK is one of the safest elective surgical procedures available today, with a complication rate estimated to be less than 1%.

What are the long term side effects of laser eye surgery?

Some risks of laser eye surgery are:

  • Permanent dry eye.
  • Halos, glare, or double vision, making it hard to drive at night.
  • Over- or under-correction of vision, meaning you still need glasses or contacts.
  • Worse vision or, very rarely, loss of vision.

Is PTK eye surgery painful?

According to Adler, the surgery itself is painless because of the numbing eye drops, but once the effect of the drops wears off, you may start to feel some discomfort. This sometimes feels like a scratch on the eye and lasts for about four days after the surgery.

Is there a maximum age for laser eye surgery?

After the age of 18, surgery can be considered for patients under 21 if they have had a stable prescription for 2 years or more. If you are worried you may be too old, the good news is that there is no upper age limit for laser eye surgery.

Can your eyesight get worse after laser eye surgery?

Once you’ve recovered from Laser Eye Surgery, the changes made to your cornea by the laser are permanent and completely stable. The eye quickly adapts to your new vision. However, it is possible that your eyesight will worsen after Laser Eye Surgery due to an unavoidable part of the body’s ageing process.