Can foot massage help labor?

The Kunlun point is located on the foot, in the depression between the ankle and the Achilles tendon. It’s used to promote labor, ease labor pain, and reduce obstruction. What to do: Use your thumb to apply light pressure to BL60 and massage the point for a few minutes.

How is reflexology used during birth?

This study demonstrated that reflexology could decrease the duration of first, second and third stages of labor as well as alleviate intensity of labor pain. Therefore, the use of reflexology in maternity care appears to demonstrate high levels of maternal and even staff satisfaction.

Does reflexology work to induce labor?

The idea behind Reflexology is that the feet mirror the body and so by pressing points on the feet this will in turn stimulate different parts of the body. After 38 weeks, we can use Reflexology techniques to stimulate the uterus and ovary reflexes as well the production of Oxytocin to help bring on labour naturally.

Is foot Reflexology safe during pregnancy?

Reflexology can be used safely throughout pregnancy; Reflexologists will take a full history to ensure that it’s safe and appropriate to carry out a treatment. The first trimester is a time when there are huge changes in hormone levels as well as anxieties and concerns about the changes that are going to happen.

Is reflexology good to bring on labour?

Reflexology has shown to help induce labour and reduce pain during childbirth. In fact, more and more nurses are beginning to learn this specialized type of foot massage and are using it in delivery rooms around the world to ease their patients’ discomfort and reduce the length of labour.

Can pregnant lady do foot reflexology?

Foot massage therapy is the most common alternative therapy recommended for pregnant women — and for good reason. So, put up your feet and relax… because you’re doing a great job carrying that baby and you deserve it.

Is foot reflexology safe during pregnancy?

What pressure points help induce labor?

One of the most commonly used acupressure points, Spleen 6 (SP6) is traditionally thought to be helpful for inducing labor. It may also be effective for decreasing labor pain and helping labor move a little faster. Where to find it: SP6 is on the back of your calf, about 2 inches above your inner lower ankle bone.