Can you book train tickets more than 3 months in advance?

Typically, train companies release their Advance tickets 12 weeks before the departure date, although some go on sale as far as 24 weeks in advance! Only a limited number of tickets will be available, so be quick to secure yours as the fare can rise as the date of travel gets nearer.

Is it cheaper to book national rail tickets in advance?

Advance tickets are usually the cheapest way to travel by train, and generally go on sale 12 weeks before your date of travel. You have to travel on the train you’re booked on, but you get a much cheaper price by foregoing flexible travel times. Full details on Advance tickets can be found here.

What is seasonal train ticket?

A Season Ticket is a ticket that one can use repeatedly during a certain period, without having to pay each time. It is specially suited for passengers who commute daily betweeen a fixed pair of station.

Can students travel in train without ticket?

Indian Railways offers free-of-cost travel facility to school- and college-going girls on MST (monthly season ticket) of general class. This concession can be availed by girls up to graduation. Boys can avail free travel on general class MST in Indian Railways up to Class XII.

How many months before you can book train tickets?

four months
Now travellers can book train tickets four months in advance as the Railways has decided to extend the advance reservation period from 60 days to 120 days, with effect from April 1. Officials said the decision also seeks to check the tout menace and facilitate genuine passengers to avail the reservation facility.

When did season tickets start?

the first known references to season tickets were in baseball during the late 1870s. the first reference appeared in the Morning Herald of titusville, Pennsylvania, which referred to the White Stockings, now the Chicago Cubs, having 150 honor- ary members for the 1870 season.

Can I travel in sleeper class with season ticket?

Travel by first class season ticket holders in first class, or any of the reserved coaches, including sleeper coaches, of other Express trains even after taking supplementary ticket is not permitted.