Can you have dual citizenship in the US and Denmark?

The Danish Immigration Authorities do allow dual citizenship.

Can a US citizen become a citizen of Denmark?

General information on acquisition of Danish citizenship Foreign citizens can only acquire Danish citizenship by statute. As such the foreign citizen must be listed in a naturalisation bill, which is then passed by the Danish Parliament. This process is called acquisition of Danish citizenship by naturalisation.

Can I live in Denmark if I marry a Danish citizen?

If you have a spouse/partner living in Denmark, you may qualify for a residence permit in Denmark under the rules for family reunification.

Who is eligible for Danish citizenship?

Naturalisation as a Danish citizen

  • One must have permanent residence status in the Kingdom of Denmark in order to become a citizen.
  • 9 years of continuous residence, with restricted allowance for an interrupted residence of up to 1 year or 2 years in special circumstances (education, family illness).

How long can US citizens stay in Denmark?

90 days
Passport should be valid for at least six months beyond your stay. For additional details about travel into and within Schengen countries, please see our Schengen fact sheet. You may enter Denmark for up to 90 days for tourist purposes without a visa.

How hard is it to get Danish citizenship?

Danish citizenship is not easy to obtain: a language test and a citizenship test are both required, and you must have a spotless police record. Even a speeding ticket can keep you from obtaining Danish citizenship for a period of up to 5 years. Permanent residency requirements are also constantly being changed.

Can Americans move to Denmark?

In short, US citizens can move to Denmark, but it is a difficult process because there are limited visa options available to citizens of non-EU countries. Most commonly, a US citizen will find it easiest to move to Denmark with a work permit or with a spouse visa.

Is it easy to move to Denmark from us?

Can I bring my girlfriend to Denmark?

Foreigners can obtain a residence permit in Denmark if they have a spouse, a registered partner, or a cohabiting partner already residing in Denmark. However, a number of requirements must be met, both with regards to the spouses/partners themselves, and to their marriage/partnership.

Can I move to Denmark from the US?