Can you put a div inside an a tag?

Nothing is wrong with placing a div inside a tag. In fact, you can place just about anything inside a tag as long as they are categorized as transparent , except that no descendant may be interactive content (eg: buttons or inputs) or an a element, and no descendant may have a specified tabindex attribute.

What can be inside an A tag?

An anchor tag is an inline element, so it can contain other inline elements (except other anchor tags). If you want to put a block element inside an anchor, you have to use an inline element and turn it into a block element using CSS, along with the anchor tag itself.

Can we use nested div tag in HTML?

HTML Div Element Nesting The is used to group together two elements; each containing a

element. A deep and oftenly used nested container layouts shows a bad coding style.

Can you put a tag inside a tag HTML?

Nested links are illegal. Links and anchors defined by the A element must not be nested; an A element must not contain any other A elements.

How to use div tag in HTML?

The first value (2px) represents the offset on the x-axis (offset-x)

  • The second (another 2px) represents the offset on the y-axis (offset-y)
  • The next 20px is for the blur-radius,that is,how blurry you want the shadow to be.
  • The 23px value is the spread radius (how far you want the shadow to spread)
  • How to set up Div HTML?

    Alerts. Alert messages can be used to notify the user about something special: danger,success,information or warning.

  • Create An Alert Message. This is an alert box.
  • Many Alerts. If you have many alert messages on a page,you can add the following script to close different alerts without using the onclick attribute on each element.
  • What are div tags used for?

    div tag mainly used for grouping of tags and elements like images and their descriptions. A div tag means division tags. It is easily used for styling using CSS and manipulating with JavaScript. The div tag is useful for a web page is look attractive and understand the content for the user.

    What are the properties of div tag?

    while div tag is a block level element and span is inline element The div tag creates a line break and by default creates a division between the text that comes after the tag as begun and until the tag ends with . div tag creates separate boxes or containers for all elements inside this tag like text, images, paragraphs.