Can you say much funnier?

As a noun, fun means enjoyment. Fun is not universally accepted as an adjective. People who do accept it as an adjective seem to prefer more fun and most fun over funner and funnest.

What is correct superlative degree of funny?

Funniest is the superlative of funny (and funnier is the comparative). This is not “for lack of one”; “funniest” is the superlative. Funny forms its superlative and comparative according to the standard rule (as in red, redder, reddest and fast, faster, fastest).

Is funner correct grammar?

But if you’re thinking that that logic is downright silly, most dictionary establishments agree with you. And they also agree that…the answer to “is funner a word?” is yes. If you want to consider “fun,” as an adjective, a word, then “funner” is indeed a word, as is “funnest,” per normal rules of adjective formation.

What is another word for more fun?

What is another word for more fun?

pleasanter happier
greater finer
more enjoyable more amusing
more entertaining more exciting
more pleasurable more agreeable

Why funner is not a word?

Funner and funnest have been in use as the comparative and superlative forms of the adjective fun for more than a century, though many people prefer to use more fun and most fun. Some folk find it fun to use the word fun as an adjective.

Is funnier a comparative?

Funner and funnest have been in use as the comparative and superlative forms of the adjective fun for more than a century, though many people prefer to use more fun and most fun.

What is the comparative degree of funny?

Be careful not to double comparative degrees: funny, funnier (not more funnier) , funniest (not most funniest). Do not use the ‐er or ‐est forms with more or most.

Why is funner incorrect?

The reason the use of funner and funnest has been discouraged is that fun was until recently only a noun. Nouns do not have comparative (-er) and superlative (-est) forms, but mass nouns such as fun can be modified by more and most (e.g., “I have more water,” or “he has the most courage”).

How do you say fun times?

  1. celebration.
  2. distraction.
  3. enjoyment.
  4. joke.
  5. joy.
  6. laughter.
  7. pastime.
  8. pleasure.

Is there a such thing as funner?

Why are some people funnier than others?

– I frequently fly on small planes with my pilot boyfriend and I find it more fun than commercial airliners. – Flying on a small plane gives passengers the opportunity to see a flight from a different perspective. – Small planes may seem scary, but the drive to the airport is riskier than the flight, according to analyst Saj Ahmed.

What is funnier Family Guy or The Simpsons?

Family Guy is just regurgitated juvenile schtick It saddens me to see that the masses are truly immature enough to even be able to watch more than one episode of

  • Not funnier,cruder.
  • They’re equally funny.
  • How could you become funnier?

    – Start looking at funny side of things. – Make people laugh with your wit. – Include humor in your day to day interactions with people whenever you can. – Do not crack jokes as soon as you meet strangers that becomes unfunny. – Last but not least, laugh at yourself.

    Is funniest a real word?

    The science fiction film, co-written by Harald Kloser and Spenser Cohen, actually has a strong first act. It starts in 2011 with astronauts Brian Harper (Patrick Wilson) and Jo Fowler ( Halle Berry) bickering like a married couple over the correct words to “Africa” by Toto.

    Is it grammatically correct to say more fun?

    With the popular use of these two forms, more fun or funner / most fun or funnest, so incredibly lopsided, it is clear to see what is acceptable and what is unacceptable. More fun is accepted; funner is not. Most fun is accepted; funnest is not.

    When did funnier become a word?

    Until the early 19th century, it was mostly just a noun, and it gained its meaning as “amusement” in the 18th century. (It used to mean “trickery” or “deception”!) But as early as the 1800s, people began using it as an adjective, the way we’d describe “a fun time” or “a fun place” today.

    Why do we say more fun and not funner?

    How do you write comparative and superlative?

    Language – adjectives rules for forming comparative and superlative adjectives

    1. Most adjectives of one syllable form the comparative by adding ‘er’ and the superlative by adding ‘est’.
    2. When an adjective ends in ‘e’, add ‘r’ for the comparative and ‘st’ for the superlative forms of the adjective.

    How do you say very fun?

    1. amusing,
    2. delightful,
    3. diverting,
    4. enjoyable,
    5. entertaining,
    6. pleasurable.

    What words can you use for fun?


    • amusing.
    • enjoyable.
    • entertaining.
    • lively.
    • pleasant.
    • boisterous.
    • convivial.
    • diverting.

    Is more a superlative?

    In these cases, we always add ‘more’ or ‘less’ before a comparative adjective and ‘most’ or ‘least’ before a superlative adjective….Three or More Syllable Adjectives.

    Complicated More/Less Complicated Most/Least Complicated

    What is the difference between fun and funny?

    So, to recap: “fun” means “enjoyable, pleasurable,” while “funny” means “makes you laugh” or “a bit unexpected.”

    Which is correct so fun or such fun?

    Grammatically speaking. the phrase “such fun” is wrong as is “so fun” but both forms are becoming increasingly common so we accept it unquestionably. As for such being used to modify a noun that is not always true. We don’t say: “Today was such a day, we went swimming.” It makes no sense whatsoever.

    How do you express fun in words?

    synonyms for fun

    1. amusing.
    2. enjoyable.
    3. entertaining.
    4. lively.
    5. pleasant.
    6. boisterous.
    7. convivial.
    8. diverting.

    Is more an adjective?

    adjective, comparative of much or many, with most as superlative. in greater quantity, amount, measure, degree, or number: I need more money.

    What is fun grammar?

    Fun is an uncountable noun meaning ‘pleasure and enjoyment’: We had such fun together.

    Is fun an adjective or adverb?

    Fun commonly functions as an adjective (“I had a fun time”) and as a noun (“Let’s have some fun”), and somewhat less commonly as a verb (“I’m just funning you”).