Can you walk along the river Wey?

After crossing the river at Pyrford Lock, you walk along the River Wey Navigation Path pretty much back to the car. On a clear sunny day, this is an absolute delight. The terrain was excellent and you don’t have to worry about navigating; just follow the river! After crossing the Weir, the path does get slightly muddy.

Where does the Wey Navigation start?

River Thames
The River Wey Navigation connects to the Basingstoke Canal at West Byfleet, and the Godalming Navigation to the Wey and Arun Canal near Shalford….Wey and Godalming Navigations.

River Wey and Godalming Navigations
Start point River Thames
End point Godalming (originally Guildford)
Connects to Basingstoke Canal Wey and Arun Junction Canal

Can you cycle the Wey Navigation?

Owned by the National Trust, the River Wey Navigation connects to the Basingstoke Canal at West Byfleet, and the Godalming Navigation to the Wey and Arun Canal near Shalford, meaning, you can extend your cycle journey if you desire.

Is the Wey Navigation open?

18.03. 2022 RIVER CONDITIONS – NORMAL 10.35hrs – The Navigation is now fully open from Godalming Wharf to Thames Lock.

How long is the Wey Navigation?

The Wey Navigation was built 100 years before the Canal Age. It runs 15½ miles from Guildford to the Thames at Weybridge. The Godalming Navigation, opened in 1764, extended the navigable waterway a further 4 miles to Godalming.

Where does the river Wey start and finish?

River ThamesRiver Wey / Mouth

Where does the River Wey start and finish?

Can you cycle Basingstoke Canal?

Cyclists are also permitted to use the towpath but must give way to pedestrians. The interactive table below shows distances on the canal. At the junction with the River Wey Navigation, you can continue north to Weybridge or south to Guildford alongside the River Wey.

Can you canoe on the River Wey?

Canoeing provides an excellent opportunity to discover the Wey Navigations. Our information for canoeists gives you launch points and guidance for safe canoeing. Today, the leisurely pace of the Navigations contrasts with the speed of the railways and motorways that link London and Guildford.

Can you cycle along the Thames towpath?

NOTE: Most of the Thames Path is a public footpath on which cyclists have no legal right to ride unless they have permission from the landowners – cycling without permission is a trespass offence against landowners. If you choose to cycle by the river, please be aware it is a potentially dangerous activity.