Can you write your own will in Malaysia?

Yes, you can write your own will! A will is valid as long as it fulfils the criteria stated earlier in this article. Hence, you don’t actually have to pay a few hundred ringgit to a lawyer or trust company to get the job done.

What makes a will legal in Malaysia?

As long as it is properly signed and witnessed by two adult independent witnesses who are present at the time you sign your Will, it should be legally binding. But that doesn’t mean it’s a good idea. One way to draw up a Will is via DIY (Do It Yourself) as allowed under the Malaysian Wills Act 1959.

Will writing cost Malaysia?

Rockwills Will Writing Services Malaysia The price of the Will writing service is based on the number of clauses you have for the Will. The prices start from RM480 and goes up to RM20,000 based on the number of clauses you want written on the Will.

Who Cannot witness a will?

A will can be witnessed and signed by anyone over the age of 18 – such as a neighbour, friend or colleague. The only rules are that they can’t be a beneficiary of your will, married to a beneficiary, or blind.

What is the best way to write a will?

How to write a will

  1. Value your estate. Get an idea of what your estate will be worth by drawing up a list of your assets and debts.
  2. Decide how you want to divide your estate.
  3. You may decide to leave a donation to a charity.
  4. Choose your executors.
  5. Write your will.
  6. Sign your will.

Is writing your own will legal?

Make your own will: You can make your own will but you must make sure that it’s valid. A will is a legal document so it needs to be written and signed correctly. If you decide to make your own will, it’s best to seek advice first.

Where can I make a will in Malaysia?

Rockwills Will Writing and Will Custody Services Rockwills provides a range of services for wealth distribution management. This product offers both Will writing in Malaysia and Will safe keeping (custody) services. This Will then will be further checked by Rockwills to ensure correctness to the legal requirements.

Can you just write a will on a piece of paper?

In theory, you could scribble your will on a piece of scrap paper. As long as it was properly signed and witnessed by two adult independent witnesses who are present at the time you sign your will, it should be legally binding.