What is the range of TCAS?

What is the range of TCAS? TCAS I systems are able to monitor the traffic situation around a plane (to a range of about 40 miles) and offer information on the approximate bearing and altitude of other aircraft. Is TCAS mandatory? TCAS II is mandated by the U.S. for commercial aircraft, including regional airline aircraft […]

How does adultery affect divorce in Georgia?

How does adultery affect divorce in Georgia? Georgia is a no-fault divorce state, which means that you don’t have to allege and prove adultery before you can get a divorce. If you do plan to get a fault-based divorce on the grounds of adultery, it’s best to consult a lawyer because of the complex issues […]

What does reentry code re 3P mean?

What does reentry code re 3P mean? Physical disability RE-3P: Physical disability (includes discharge and transfer to TDRL). Obesity. Motion sickness. Disqualified for officer candidate training. Can you deny orders USMC? Articles 90 through 92 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice make it a punishable offense for military personnel to refuse orders from a […]

Did the shootout at the OK Corral really happened?

Did the shootout at the OK Corral really happened? The gunfight did not actually take place at the O.K. Corral. Nope, the shootout didn’t happen inside or even next to the eponymous corral. Shots were exchanged in a vacant lot on Fremont Street, down the road from the corral’s rear entrance. Who fired the first […]

How do you incorporate science into art?

How do you incorporate science into art? Below you will find 8 different ways you can explore the world of science and art together in your classroom. Epoxy Cast Molds. Many artists use resin or epoxy in their artwork. Animal Habitats. Paint Pouring. Soundwave Portraits. Plaster Frescoes. Circuitry Art. The Clay Firing Process. Scientific Method […]

Is Loctite glue toxic?

Is Loctite glue toxic? In dry atmosphere with <50°C humidity, vapours may irritate the eyes and respiratory system. INGESTION Cyanoacrylates are considered to have relatively low toxicity. Is Loctite 401 toxic? MAY CAUSE EYE AND RESPIRATORY TRACT IRRITATION. may lead to difficulty in breathing and tightness in the chest. allergic reaction but due to rapid […]

How do levels work in Tetris?

How do levels work in Tetris? Completing lines grants points, and accumulating a certain number of points moves the player up a level, which increases the number of points granted per completed line. In most versions, the speed of the falling pieces increases with each level, leaving the player with less time to think about […]

Are Tubulovillous adenomas precancerous?

Are Tubulovillous adenomas precancerous? Tubulovillous adenoma is a type of polyp that grows in the colon and other places in the gastrointestinal tract and sometimes in other parts of the body. Tubulovillous adenoma polyps are not cancer, but they are pre-cancerous (meaning that they can turn into cancers). Is Tubulovillous adenoma benign or malignant? Background: […]

What channel is GAC on Comcast?

What channel is GAC on Comcast? Channel 1620 HD 🎉 Tune in to GAC Family on Channel 1620 HD, use your voice remote or check the guide. Channel number may vary by area. Visit xfinity.com/support/local-… to find your area’s channel number. How do I listen to music on Xfinity? Press the xfinity button on your […]

How much is the WP Job Manager?

How much is the WP Job Manager? $29 / year Allow registered users to save their job searches and create alerts which send new jobs via email daily, weekly or fortnightly. How do I set up a job manager in WordPress? To download WP Job Manager, navigate to your WordPress admin “Plugins” page, and do […]

What are the 6 major tennis tournaments?

What are the 6 major tennis tournaments? Top 8 Major Tennis Tournaments US Open. The US Open is the most popular professional hardcourt US tennis tournament. Wimbledon. Among all the tennis tournaments, it is widely regarded as the oldest and most prestigious. Australian Open. French Open. BNP Paribas Open. WTA Finals. ATP Finals. Summer Games […]

What is the natural lifespan of a hummingbird?

What is the natural lifespan of a hummingbird? The average life span of a hummingbird is five years, but they have been known to live for more than 10 years. As with any creature, there are threats to the hummingbirds’ survival… some natural and some man-made. How long do ruby-throated hummingbird’s live? 3 – 5 […]

What is the overall job satisfaction rating for a nurse practitioner?

What is the overall job satisfaction rating for a nurse practitioner? Job satisfaction among nurse practitioners U.S. News & World Report rated nurse practitioner the fourth best job in the country for 2018, giving it an overall score of 8.2 out of 10. The two primary reasons for this high rank were anticipated demand (which […]

How many shrimp is considered a serving?

How many shrimp is considered a serving? A typical serving of shrimp is 3 ounces. This can be 12 to 20 small shrimp per person, depending on the size. Is shrimp healthy or fattening? Shrimp is a great food to include in your diet. It’s not only high in protein but also low in calories, […]

How do I stop my toilet from water hammering?

How do I stop my toilet from water hammering? Water Hammer To resolve this kind of issue, you can try the following: Turn off the water supply to your home at the main. Flush all your toilets in your house. Allow water to drain from the open faucets for about 20 to 30 minutes. Turn […]

How is MPY calculated?

How is MPY calculated? mpy = (weight loss in grams) * (22,300)/(Adt) mpy = corrosion rate (mils per year penetration) A = area of coupon (sq. in.) d = metal density of coupon (g/cm3) t = time of exposure in corrosive environment (days). What is MM Y on corrosion? In metric expression one mil equals […]

Do Amur leopards have rosettes?

Do Amur leopards have rosettes? Amur leopards have a paler coat than most subspecies of leopards, and large, dark, widely spaced rosettes with thick, unbroken rings. Why do Amur leopards have rosettes? Description: The Amur leopard is adapted to the cool climate by having thick fur which grows up to 7.5 cm long in winter. […]

What is Ibn Rushd best known for?

What is Ibn Rushd best known for? Ibn Rushd was well-known for his commentaries on the works of Aristotle, which set the stage for the intellectual movement known as the Renaissance that came several centuries later. Considered controversial by Muslim theologians, his original works famously discussed how religion and philosophy were not incompatible. What was […]