Did Batman abuse the Robins?

DC’s canonical timeline holds some unacceptable things that Batman has done to his first Robin, Dick Grayson. Mistreatment, physical abuse, manipulation, lying, failure to protect him, are just a few examples.

Why does Batman train Robin?

Bruce eventually told Dick that he was secretly Batman and trained Dick as Robin. Bruce’s intentions were to help Dick find the person who murdered his parents at the circus. Growing up as Robin took a toll on Dick, however. When he turned 18, Dick decided to leave Bruce in order to become his own hero.

Does Batman care about Robin?

However, Batman has and always will care for each of his Robins. They are all his children, having spent the better part of his life raising each and every one of them.

What Robin turned into a Joker?

In the DC Animated Universe’s Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker, former Robin Tim Drake was brainwashed and manipulated into becoming the new Joker after the original Clown Prince perished.

How long was Robin tortured?

In the film Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker, we learn through a flashback what happened to Robin after New Batman Adventures. Apparently one day, Joker and Harley were bored and decided to kidnap Robin. They torture him for two weeks until he becomes traumatized enough to reveal all of Batman’s secrets.

Which Robin is most like Batman?

15 DICK GRAYSON: THE ORIGINAL For casual and hardcore fans alike, Grayson is synonymous with Batman’s sidekick. This long history has given Grayson a lot of experience. Technically, he’s the longest tenured Robin — he served until 1969, which marked a nearly 30-year run at Batman’s side.

Which Robin is Batman’s son?

Damian Wayne
Damian Wayne is the son of Batman and Talia al Ghul. This makes him an heir to the world’s greatest crime-fighter, and its greatest super-villain Ra’s al Ghul. Damian became the fifth Robin, working alongside his father as Batman.

Which Robin killed the Joker?

Jason Todd
That’s easy, you kill Robin! “A Death in the Family,” which ran in Batman #426-429, hinges on a chilling scene where the Joker ambushes Robin (Jason Todd) and beats the Boy Wonder senseless with a crowbar, leaving him tied up in a warehouse with a bomb.

Which Robin was killed with a crowbar?

Jason Todd was the unpopular second Robin who – in no small part due to his unpopularity – was beaten to a pulp by the Joker with a crowbar. He’s then left in a warehouse which explodes before Batman can reach him, killing him.

Who was the weakest Robin?

Jason Todd was one of the worst Robin’s in comic book history. He was so hated that DC had a fan vote for whether Joker should kill Robin, and the fans voted to let the Boy Wonder die. While that fan vote was disputed, there was no doubt that fans didn’t like Jason Todd when he replaced Dick Grayson.