Did Charles Darwin write an autobiography?

Charles Darwin’s Autobiography was first published in 1887, five years after his death. It was a bowdlerized edition: Darwin’s family, attempting to protect his posthumous reputation, had deleted all the passages they considered too personal or controversial.

What was Charles Darwin famous book called?

The genesis of Charles Darwin’s book On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life (1859) is well known, and the changes that it underwent in subsequent editions are well documented.

What is Charles Darwin’s most important book?

On the Origin of Species
“On the Origin of Species,” Charles Darwin’s famous tome on evolution, has been voted the most influential academic book in history, according to an online survey answered by the public.

What are the two books published by Charles Darwin?

The Origin of Species is the most important single book in the biological sciences, and its main ideas are well-supported by modern research. The Voyage of the Beagle (1839) and The Descent of Man (1871) are also highly important.

Is the origin of species a good book?

Editorial Reviews It is the major book of the nineteenth century, and one of the most readable and accessible of the great revolutionary works of the scientific imagination. The Origin of Species was the first mature and persuasive work to explain how species change through the process of natural selection.

What 2 books did Darwin write?

Is Origin of Species easy to read?

The Origin is quite accessible. It’s not technical; it was written to be read by any educated person. And while the style may not be your cup of tea (though I actually like it, or at least don’t mind it), it’s not difficult reading. So you can get a lot out of the Origin without doing any background reading.