Did Susan B. Anthony want equality?

Anthony. Champion of temperance, abolition, the rights of labor, and equal pay for equal work, Susan Brownell Anthony became one of the most visible leaders of the women’s suffrage movement. Along with Elizabeth Cady Stanton, she traveled around the country delivering speeches in favor of women’s suffrage.

What did Susan B. Anthony do for gender equality?

Susan B. Anthony was a pioneer crusader for women’s suffrage in the United States. She was president (1892–1900) of the National Woman Suffrage Association. Her work helped pave the way for the Nineteenth Amendment (1920) to the Constitution, giving women the right to vote.

How did Susan B. Anthony fight for freedom and equality?

Anthony who worked with Elizabeth Cady Stanton in the struggle to win women the right to vote. They also fought for voting rights for African Americans. Together, they started efforts for a Constitutional Amendment in 1878, later added as the 19th Amendment in 1920.

What did Susan B. Anthony say about slavery?

According to the Susan B. Anthony House, in 1845, after moving to Rochester the family became very active in the anti-slavery movement. Ignoring opposition and abuse, she traveled and campaigned for the abolition of slavery and women’s rights to their own property and earnings.

What are some famous quotes from Susan B. Anthony?

Famous Susan B. Anthony Quotes

  • “Organize, agitate, educate, must be our war cry.”
  • “I declare to you that woman must not depend upon the protection of man but must be taught to protect herself, and there I take my stand.”
  • “The real milestones are less prepossessing.”
  • “Failure is impossible.”

What did Susan B. Anthony believe in?

the equality of all under God
Born into a Quaker family, Susan Brownell Anthony’s lifelong crusade for social justice as an abolitionist, temperance campaigner, and suffragist was guided by her belief in the equality of all under God.

What was the purpose of Susan B. Anthony’s speech about women’s rights?

Anthony’s choice to vote in the presidential election was illegal when she voted. The main purpose of the speech is to both defend her decision to vote in the election and establish that all women should have the right to vote as US citizens.

What did Susan B. Anthony stand for?

Anthony (1820–1906) Social Reformer, Women’s Rights Activist. Born into a Quaker family, Susan Brownell Anthony’s lifelong crusade for social justice as an abolitionist, temperance campaigner, and suffragist was guided by her belief in the equality of all under God.