Do blue point junipers grow fast?

The Blue Point Juniper has proved its worth for the last 50 years, and it remains the number-one choice, with foliage of a striking silver-blue color all year round. It grows steadily, adding 6 to 12 inches each year, and reaching 10 to 12 feet in just 10 years.

How do you take care of a Blue Point Juniper?

Junipers require well-drained soils and look best in full sun, although light shade can be beneficial in hot, dry sites. Heavily shaded trees tend to have sparse foliage. Apply a balanced, slow-release fertilizer 4 to 6 weeks after planting. Established trees do not need to be fertilized to maintain plant health.

Can Blue Point Juniper be planted near house?

Blue Point Junipers will only grow to 4 to 6 feet wide and 10 to 12 feet tall, which is perfect for smaller yards and spaces near your home. Always allow a minimum of 3 to 4 feet of clearance between the trunk of the tree and any houses, walls, fences, utility boxes, or other large trees.

How do you keep a Blue Point Juniper small?

Upright juniper pruning can help a shrub that is losing its shape. You’ll need to start selectively pruning a juniper bush by trimming back each branch’s terminal tip. This will reduce the length and weight of the branch, making it less likely to pull out from the trunk.

How much sun does a blue juniper need?

Plant in a sunny spot, with at least six hours of sun per day. Again, this cultivar can survive in partial sun, but it will likely be more prone to pests and diseases.

Do junipers need full sun?

Plant juniper shrubs in a location with full sun or light shade. When they get too much shade, the branches spread apart in an effort to let more sunlight in, and the damage to their shape can’t be repaired. Junipers grow in any type of soil as long as it is well-drained.

Can junipers grow in pots?

Dwarf junipers can be successfully grown in containers. They can be combined with annuals or perennials or planted alone as an accent or focal point in your garden. They’ll look great when placed in pairs on either side of an entranceway.

Can Blue Point Juniper grow in containers?

Conifers like junipers are extremely suited for container gardening because, as we mentioned above, they don’t need that much attention. And unlike other trees, they can thrive in containers despite the root-growing restrictions.