Do dragonfly nymphs live on land?

Dragonfly nymphs live in the water while they grow and develop into dragonflies. This portion of the dragonfly life cycle can take up to four years to complete, and if the nymph cycle is completed in the beginning of the wintertime, it will remain in the water until spring when it is warm enough to come out.

What are the characteristics of dragonflies?

Dragonflies have long, delicate, membranous wings which are transparent and some have light yellow coloring near the tips. Their bodies are long and slender and they have a short antennae. Dragonflies are very colorful, for example the Green Darner Dargonfly has a green thorax and a blue segmented abdomen.

What are the characteristics of damselflies?

Damselflies are found mainly near shallow, freshwater habitats and are graceful fliers with slender bodies and long, filmy, net-veined wings. Damselflies are generally smaller, more delicate, and fly weakly in comparison with dragonflies (suborder Anisoptera). Their colours can be stunningly vivid.

Where do Odonata live?

Odonates are globally distributed from the tropics, where they are most numerous and varied, to the boreal forests of Siberia and North America. They are also found throughout the Southern Hemisphere, with the exception of Antarctica.

What environment do dragonflies live in?

They are most abundant an diverse in slow-moving freshwater that has no fish (small streams and ponds) but can be found in many shallow freshwater habitats. Adult dragonflies often stay near water, but sometimes travel away from water while hunting or on migration.

Where do dragonfly nymphs live?

Habitat. Dragonfly nymphs are aquatic, and can be found in streams, rivers, ponds, lakes, and wetlands. They live in areas where water is slow-moving or still. They are likely to be found under rocks and wood.

How does dragonfly adapt to its environment?

The adaptations of the dragonflies’ wings and eyes are what makes them such good hunters. If a dragonfly sees something it wants to eat, it almost always gets its prey. The dragonfly can even catch a bug flying mid-air! When it does catch its meal, the dragonfly doesn’t even have to stop to eat.

What is the habitat of a damselfly?

Habitat and Conservation Damselfly nymphs are common residents of marshes, ponds, lakes, streams, and other aquatic habitats. They crawl among submerged plants and rocks and along the bottoms, searching for prey. They can also swim, by undulating their bodies.

How do Odonata move?

They can move rapidly by jetting water out of their abdomens, which shoots them forward. Gills are rectal, located inside the end of the abdomen. Adults are aerial acrobats, capable of flying backward, forward, and hovering, and may fly long distances from water.

Where does the word Odonata come from?

The name Odonata, derived from the Greek “odonto-“, meaning tooth, refers to the strong teeth found on the mandibles of most adults.