Do you need an ESL certificate to teach on GoGoKid?

Gogokid Requirements have a Bachelor’s degree. have one year experience working with children (teaching, tutoring, mentoring, coaching etc.) The Chinese Ministry of Education now requires all online English teachers who teach Chinese students to have a 120-hour TESOL certificate. Get one here.

Did GoGoKid shut down?

GoGoKid, the online tutoring platform that Whitehead contracts with to supplement her family’s income and help make ends meet, was shutting down immediately. She checked her email, hoping the mother had misunderstood, and found a message from the company confirming its demise.

How many hours can you work with GoGoKid?

While GoGoKid does not set a limit on the number of hours you can work, every teacher has a limit on how many classes they can teach well before being burnt out. For me, I could only do 4-5 classes back to back without needing a break, but I know there are some who teach 10 or more (They must be superhuman!)

How long does it take to hear back from GoGoKid?

within 48 hours
The Gogokid demo lesson you will teach is called “What do you have?” and you should hear within 48 hours of your results.

How do I become a GoGoKid teacher?

GOGOKID Requirements

  1. You will need a laptop and headset.
  2. A fast internet connection.
  3. You must have a teaching certificate (TEFL, TESOL, CELTA)
  4. You must have a bachelor’s degree or above.
  5. You must be a native English speaker from the United States or Canada.

Do you need tefl for PalFish?

For all PalFish programs you need a 120-hour TESOL, TEFL, or teacher’s certificate. We offer 120-hour TESOL certificates that are recognized by PalFish for a very affordable price. Click here for more information.

Is VIPKid still hiring 2022?

This company is no longer hiring online teachers due to recent changes in China. However, you can choose to look at the helpful links below instead: List of Non-Chinese Online ESL Companies – featuring companies such as, Cambly.

How do I become a Gogokid teacher?

How much do PalFish students pay?

Here’s a basic overview of Palfish pay: Free Talk: Teachers set their own rates (usually between $12 and $17 USD per hour) Official Kids Course: The Palfish hourly rate is up to $22 USD per hour plus bonuses. Seminars and Live Streaming: Teachers set their own rates (pay rate varies)

Do you need a degree for magic ears?

You are required to have a degree, but if you are a student, you may also apply. This makes Magic Ears a great online job for students looking to earn during their studies.