Does Iago think Othello slept with Emilia?

At the end of Act I, scene iii, Iago says he thinks Othello may have slept with his wife, Emilia: “It is thought abroad that ‘twixt my sheets / He has done my office” (I. iii. 369–370 ).

WHO SAID But jealous souls will not be answered so?

“But jealous souls will not be assured so; They are not ever jealous for the cause, But jealous for they are jealous; ’tis a monster Begot upon itself, born of itself.” (Act 3, Scene 4) Just as Iago warns Othello to beware of jealousy, Emilia tells Desdemona that jealously is a monster that eats away at a person.

Who kills Emilia in Othello?

Iago repeatedly threatens her and tells her to be quiet, but Emilia insists that “I will speak as liberal as the north” (5.2.). Her insistence on speaking out costs her her life when Iago stabs her in desperation.

What you know you know from this time forth I never will speak word?

Othello asks why he did all this, to which Iago replies, “Demand me nothing; what you know, you know: / From this time forth I never will speak word” (V. ii. 303-304). Thus Iago pleads the Shakespearean fifth and lapses into silence.

Does Cassio kiss Emilia?

Desdemona makes it to Cyprus first, along with Iago and his wife, Emilia, who is going to be Desdemona’s lady attendant. Cassio welcomes Desdemona and Emilia—flirtatiously kissing Emilia.

Is Emilia in Othello a feminist?

Emilia falls in the middle of this spectrum. She respects Desdemona’s purity, but she doesn’t believe that women should be sexually or morally subordinate. Emilia is a feminist! In this lesson, we will explore Emilia’s role in Othello as well as her symbolic impact as a literary figure.

Who kills Iago?

Othello stabs Iago, wounding him, and Lodovico orders some soldiers to disarm Othello. Iago sneers that he bleeds but is not killed. He refuses to say anything more about what he has done, but Lodovico produces a letter found in Roderigo’s pocket that reveals everything that has happened.

Who kills Cassio?

In the street at night, Iago directs Roderigo to ambush Cassio. When Cassio approaches, Roderigo attacks unsuccessfully and is wounded by Cassio. Iago, from behind, stabs Cassio in the leg and runs away while Cassio cries murder.

What does iagos last words mean?

Iago’s final lines imply that speech, in his view, has become futile. Everything that happened was driven by speech, so he appears to feel that, now he has been unmasked, there is nothing more worth saying. The significance of speech is introduced at the very beginning of Othello.

Did Iago win in the end?

In a vain attempt to prevent his scheme from being revealed, Iago stabs and kills Emilia, and is then taken prisoner while Othello, lamenting the loss of his wife, kills himself next to her. Notably, Iago is left wounded but alive at the end of the play.