Does it rain in Mandi Bahauddin?

Daytime temperature stays around 40°c and at night it goes to 26°c. In the month of May on average Mandi Bahauddin gets 33.90mm of rain and approximately 2 rainy days in the month.

Does it rain in Sukkur?

Weather in Sukkur in August Temperature hovers around 42°c and at night it feels like 31°c. In August, Sukkur gets 23.32mm of rain and approximately 1 rainy days in the month. Humidity is close to 41%.

Does it rain in Khanewal?

Weather in Khanewal in June Temperature hovers around 46°c and at night it feels like 35°c. In June, Khanewal gets 17.53mm of rain and approximately 2 rainy days in the month.

How is the weather in Mandi Bahauddin today?

Generally sunny.

  1. Humidity28%
  2. Sunrise5:00 am.
  3. Sunset7:06 pm.

What was the temperature in Sukkur yesterday?

Sukkur Weather History for the Previous 24 Hours

Conditions Comfort
Time Temp Humidity
3:00 pm 111 °F 27%
2:00 pm 109 °F 30%
1:00 pm 106 °F 34%

What is postal code of Khanewal?

Khanewal, Punjab – South

Region 2 City Postcode (ZIP)
Khanewal Abdul Hakīm 58180
Khanewal Ali Pur 58251
Khanewal Ali Sherwahan 59111
Khanewal Allāhābād 58251

What is Sargodha zip code?

40100Sargodha / Zip code

What is the hottest city in Pakistan?

Along with these four Pakistani cities, Barmer (India) has recorded 47.1°C and is the fourth hottest place on earth….World’s Top 3 Hottest Places are All in Pakistan.

Sr. No. 1.
Place Jacobabad
Country Pakistan
Temperature 49°C
Rank 1st