Does MS cause obsessive behavior?

Obsessive compulsive disorder has been reported in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is a kind of anxiety disorder characterized by a combination of repetitive thoughts and repetitive behaviors for reducing anxiety.

Can OCD cause multiple sclerosis?

Research has shown that OCD is seen more frequently than usual in those with various physical disorders, such as muscular dystrophy. An October 2018 study published in Frontiers in Immunology highlights a connection between OCD and another disease — multiple sclerosis.

Is researching OCD a compulsion?

Reassurance-seeking may include asking others for reassurance, self-assurance, or confessing to others. Even internet searching can be a covert compulsion as the person with OCD seeks reassurance online in forums, chat rooms, or information websites — much in the same way a hypochondriac seeks reassurance from doctors.

Is excessive Googling OCD?

It’s only natural to start by searching on the internet when you have no idea what’s happening, and it’s tempting to keep going back whenever your anxiety really flares up (this is why OCD specialists tend to view Googling as a compulsion).

What does OCD rumination look like?

Symptoms of Rumination OCD Obsessive thoughts regarding cleanliness. Fear of harming someone. Disturbing thoughts of inappropriate sexual activities. Intense thoughts of constant perfection.

What is it called when you get obsessed with things easily?

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Why do I Google all my symptoms?

You may know this condition as hypochondriasis, and you’re probably familiar with the word “hypochondriac.” Even if you’re not a hypochondriac, searching for medical symptoms and illnesses online may add unnecessary worry and a lack of peace of mind to your life. The internet-age term for this is “cyberchondria.”

How do I stop reassurance seeking?

But there are a few strategies that you can try.

  1. Learn to identify excessive reassurance-seeking.
  2. Notice when it’s not helping.
  3. Don’t judge yourself or feel ashamed.
  4. Recognize and think through any irrational thoughts that may come up.
  5. Remember that uncertainty is a part of life.
  6. Consider telling your loved ones.