Does Norwex help with psoriasis?

The Norwex BodyCloths have the same properties as our other microfiber, but the texture is quite a bit different. They are so soft and they are perfect for anyone with sensitive skin. Yes, you can skip the soap and wash clean your body with just these cloths! They are great if you have acne, eczema and psoriasis.

What is Norwex body cloth made of?

Norwex Microfiber
Made from super-soft Norwex Microfiber containing our exclusive BacLock™* agent.

Are Norwex body cloths antibacterial?

The Norwex microfiber is also antibacterial. Norwex has a special, unique process to embed antibacterial silver based agents into the actual microfibers of the Body Cloths. This antibacterial agent has self purification properties that is used to inhibit bacterial odor, mold, and/or mildew growth within the cloth.

Is Norwex for real?

The short answer is yes, Norwex is a legit company, and I think they’re worth it. But you should still read my tips below to get the most out of their products and avoid their terrible business model.

How often should I wash my Norwex body cloth?

Launder your Norwex Microfiber AT LEAST once a week. HOT water is best, as it opens the fibers to help release trapped dirt and bacteria. wash them with NO LINT items like sheets, jeans or T-shirts.

Do Norwex body cloths contain silver?

Note: there are two kinds of Norwex face cloths – the “body cloths” and the “makeup removal cloths“. Both can be used to replace a face cleanser AND normal face washer, and both contain BacLock (ie the antibacterial silver).

Do you need to use soap with a Norwex body cloth?

You don’t need to use a separate cleanser if you wash your face with these cloths because they completely remove dirt, makeup and even mascara with just water.

Is Norwex toxic?

Safety. Norwex is safe for any surface that you would typically clean with soap and water or chemical cleaners.

Is Norwex made in China?

Are Norwex Products Made in China? Yes, Norwex Microfiber is made in China.