Does the abortion pill make you more fertile?

If you’ve had an induced abortion, you may be concerned about what that means for future fertility and pregnancies. However, having an abortion doesn’t usually affect your ability to get pregnant again at a later time.

How long does it take to ovulate after abortion pill?

Conclusions: Return to ovulation following medical abortion with mifepristone and misoprostol occurs on average 3 weeks postabortion.

Does the abortion pill affect infertility?

Unless there’s a rare and serious complication that’s not treated, there’s no risk to your future pregnancies or to your overall health. Having an abortion doesn’t increase your risk for breast cancer or affect your fertility.

How does abortion affect fertility rate?

Having an abortion will not usually affect your chances of becoming pregnant and having normal pregnancies in the future. But there’s a very small risk to your fertility and future pregnancies if you develop a womb infection during the procedure that’s not treated promptly.

How soon after abortion did you get pregnant?

Women can become pregnant within 2 weeks of an abortion. For those who are ready to get pregnant again, there is generally no medical reason to delay trying to conceive — unless a doctor advises otherwise. Women do not need to take extra steps to become pregnant after an abortion.

Can misoprostol harm future pregnancy?

Conclusion: Misoprostol treatment, for women with first trimester missed abortion and favorable reproductive history, is an acceptable treatment with no detrimental effect on future fertility.

Does misoprostol affect fertility?

How long does HCG stay in your system after abortion?

The disappearance of HCG from urine is exponential, with a half-life value of 1.3 days. A urine pregnancy test with a sensitivity of 1 IU/ml wil nearly always be negative in the course of 2 weeks after abortion. A positive test 4 weeks after abortion indicates an incomplete abortion or persistent trophoblast.