Has drug decriminalization worked in Portugal?

Portugal was not the first country to decriminalise some or all drugs, and it has not been the last. However, it is one of the most prominent and influential. The Portuguese model directly influenced the 2020 decriminalisation measure passed in Oregon, for example, as well as proposed decriminalisation in Norway.

How long have drugs been decriminalized in Portugal?

But in 2001, Portugal took a radical step. It became the first country in the world to decriminalize the consumption of all drugs.

Is Portugal a drug free country?

In 2001, nearly two decades into Pereira’s accidental specialisation in addiction, Portugal became the first country to decriminalise the possession and consumption of all illicit substances.

Are drugs still legal in Portugal?

Are drugs legal in Portugal? Drugs are not legal in Portugal, this is a myth. However, all drugs are decriminalized, including largely stigmatized drugs such as meth. Portugal has taken a public health approach to drug use by not criminalizing those in possession of drugs.

What country has legalized all drugs?

Portugal. In 2001, Portugal became the first European country to abolish all criminal penalties for personal drug possession, under Law 30/2000.

Is every drug legal in Portugal?

Portugal has not changed the legal status of any drugs. They all remain illegal, however, the offence for possession has been changed from a criminal to a civil one. Here is how the system works. Portugal decriminalised use and possession of all drugs in a way that moves the focus from criminal punishment to treatment.

What country decriminalized all drugs first?

Portugal is the first country that has decriminalized the possession of small amounts of drugs, to positive results. Anyone caught with any type of drug in Portugal, if it is for personal consumption, will not be imprisoned.