How are bacteriophages used as water quality indicators?

In conclusion, it can be stated that, though not perfect, bacteriophages infecting enteric bacteria are useful additional indicators for water quality control because of their numbers in fecally contaminated water and their outcome in water environments and water treatment plants.

Which reporter gene system is used for rapid identification of E. coli in drinking water?

EPA Method 1603 is an approved drinking water assay that quantifies generic E. coli with an assay time of 24 hours. This drinking water assay contains a membrane (0.45 µm) filtration step to remove bacteria from the water sample prior to enrichment on selective and differential media.

How do you clean phage contamination?

1) If you can throw out the contaminated culture, do it; but don’t just put some vircon into it, autoclave the culture to kill the phage. 2) Discard all of the solutions you used to prepare the culture. 3) Clean the shaker, your bench and other surfaces which might have contacted the contaminated culture, with ethanol.

Where are Coliphage present?

This kind of bacteria are the most abundant aerobic prokaryotes in the gut for both human and animals, and hence easy to culture in the laboratory. Consequently, coliphages are also the most abundant bacteriophages present in the gut that are easy to cultivate.

Where are coliphages found?

Osawa et al. (1981) found that groups II and III tend to be found in human feces, groups I and II are generally found in pigs, and feces from all other mammals contain group I-like coliphage.

How do you test a phage titer?

Determining Phage Titer

  1. Phage lysate or freezer stock. See Procedure: Phage Lysate Preparation.
  2. Top Agar (LB-Miller + 0.8% agar)
  3. LB-MIller (for diluting phage)
  4. LB-Agar plates (with antibiotic if appropriate)
  5. Small test tubes.
  6. Heat block @ 60°C that can hold individual small test tubes.
  7. Exponentially growing host cells.

What are the three basic tests used for the detection of coliform bacteria in water?

Total Coliforms, Fecal Coliforms, and E. The most basic test for bacterial contamination of a water supply is the test for total coliform bacteria.

What are the different tests used to identify coliforms in water?

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has approved several methods for coliform detection: the multiple-tube fermentation technique, the mem- brane filter technique and the presence/absence test (including the ONPG-MUG test).