How big do synodontis petricola catfish get?

approximately 4 inches
Synodontis Petricola, also known as the pygmy leopard catfish, is a catfish which grows to a length of approximately 4 inches. Native to Lake Tanganyika in Eastern Africa, this species is rare and highly sought amongst aquarists.

Do petricola catfish lay eggs?

petricola has been bred in the home aquarium. Interestingly, it has 2 methods of breeding: egg scattering and brood parasitism. For the latter, the catfish coincides its spawning with that of a mouthbrooding cichlid and stealthily lays its eggs amongst those of the host fish.

What do petricola catfish eat?

Feeding. The Synodontis Petricola is omnivorous, eating meaty foods, packaged foods, and vegetable matter. The staple of their diet should consist of high-quality packaged food as well as a generous supplement of live foods. Live foods can consist of worms, shrimp, and even small fish.

How long do synodontis catfish live?

They can be kept individually in small aquariums or groups in larger tanks. The species can live 8 to 10 years. Synodontis catfish do well in tanks set up for African Rift Lake fish species. They are parasitic mouthbrooder who trick mouthbrooding cichlid species into rearing their eggs.

What do you feed petricola catfish?

What do you feed synodontis catfish?

With beautiful finnage and relatively gentle temperament, synodontis catfish are omnivorous scavengers that will eat algae, pellets, flakes and even live food if they’re larger than it.

Will synodontis catfish eat other fish?

Synodontis generally mix well with other fishes and are easy to keep. Larger ones could eat very small fishes, and they are often quite territorial towards other catfishes, especially other synos.

Are petricola catfish nocturnal?

Housing the Petricola This catfish is a shy, reclusive, but active fish. They are primarily nocturnal but can be fairly active during the day as well. They will almost always emerge from hiding spots for feedings.