How can esotropia be corrected?

Esotropia treatments include:

  1. Corrective lenses, like eyeglasses or contacts.
  2. Prism lenses that are thicker on one side to reduce the amount of light entering your eye.
  3. Vision therapy, which includes exercises to improve focus and eye coordination.
  4. Surgery to straighten the position or length of your eye muscles.

Can esotropia be corrected with glasses?

The first step to help treat accommodative esotropia usually involves the prescription of eyeglasses or contact lenses to correct the patient’s refractive error (hyperopia) [See figure 1]. By letting the eyeglasses do the work, the eyes can relax their focusing or accommodative effort.

Is esotropia curable?

People with acquired esotropia can often successfully treat the condition with glasses and vision therapy, although surgery may be necessary for some.

Is esotropia serious?

In adults, a sudden onset of esotropia can be a sign of a very serious condition. 2 In infants and toddlers, esotropia is usually a sign of an abnormal development of the binocular system that develops in the brain.

How long does it take for esotropia to go away?

Some children do indeed outgrow accommodative esotropia. However, it takes several years and usually not before 9-12 years of age or older. Children do not outgrow accommodative esotropia in only a few months.It is difficult to predict which children will outgrow their need for glasses.

Can esotropia come back?

But it doesn’t always come back. In fact, most patients require just one corrective surgery over a lifetime. If it does come back, it’s usually possible for a skilled specialist to again reposition the muscles and restore the benefits of straight eyes for the patient.

What is esotropia caused by?

Causes of Esotropia In a person with esotropia, the muscles are not coordinated, causing one or both eyes to look inward and focus on different subjects. Factors that can increase the risk of developing esotropia include: Brain disorders such as cerebral palsy, hydrocephalus, and brain tumors.

What is esotropia a symptom of?

Causes of Esotropia Brain disorders such as cerebral palsy, hydrocephalus, and brain tumors. Family history of any type of strabismus, amblyopia (“lazy eye”), childhood cataract, or glaucoma. Genetic disorders that affect the eye such as Down Syndrome. Poor vision. Premature birth.