How can we add relation between tables in a DataSet?

Just right-click on the table in the designer, select Add->Relation, and specify the relation. If you need to specify the relation in code, you can do it like this: dataSet.

What is data relation in C#?

A DataRelation represents a relationship between two DataTable objects in the same DataSet. This relationship is established between one or more fields in the parent (master) table and an equal number of fields in the child (detail) table.

Which object is used to add a relationship between two DataTable objects?

A DataRelation is used to relate two DataTable objects to each other through DataColumn objects. For example, in a Customer/Orders relationship, the Customers table is the parent and the Orders table is the child of the relationship.

What is data relation in Ado net?

The DataRelation is a class of disconnected architecture in the . NET framework. It is found in the System. Data namespace. It represents a relationship between database tables.

How is database related to a table?

In databases, and a table is a set of data elements (values) using a model of vertical columns (identifiable by name) and horizontal rows, the cell being the unit where a row and column intersect. A table has a specified number of columns, but can have any number of rows.

Can we establish a relationship between two Datatables in C#?

Using the primary key and foreign key constraints that use a DataRelation object, you can create a relationship among multiple tables.

What is ADO.NET Mcq?

Explanation: ADO.NET stands for ActiveX Data Object is a database access technology created by Microsoft as part of its . NET framework.

Which object does the data aware control bind to Mcq?

Answer: The data-aware control bind to dataset.

How do you declare a DataSet in C?

Create your dataset in C#

  1. Create your frame.
  2. Drop a Data Grid View control.
  3. Create a Dataset (xsd) File.
  4. Open your xsd file.
  5. Drag the table that you want to work with from the server explorer.
  6. Enable the insert, update and delete properties in your data grid view control clicking the option control button .