How do I add a parameter to a user ID in SAP?

Click on the Parameters tab and enter the organizational values that you use in your dialy work. For Parameter ID “XUS” enter your own SAP User ID, so when you run some reports where you require to enter your SAP User ID, your User ID that you enter in Parameter will be copied over.

How do you define parameters in SAP?

Parameters are components of a selection screen that are assigned a global elementary data object in the ABAP program and an input field on the selection screen. The name of the parameter para can contain a maximum of eight characters.

How do you maintain a parameter ID?

Creating New Parameter ID in SAP

  1. Open the data element MATNR. Here Parameter ID- MAT is used.
  2. Double click on the Parameter ID.
  3. Open the table TPARA and here we can find Parameter Id – MAT.
  4. To create new parameter ID.
  5. Provide a parameter name and hit Enter key.
  6. Provide the text and save.

What is set parameter ID in ABAP?

SET PARAMETER ID pid FIELD dobj. Effect. This statement sets the content of the SPA/GPA parameter specified in pid user memory to the content of the data object dobj. The ID pid must be a flat character-like field that contains no more than 20 characters and does not consist solely of blanks. pid is case-sensitive.

How do you show parameter ID in SAP?

Press the F1 (Help) key. Depending upon your settings, this window may look like the one below. The circled button with the hammer and wrench is “Technical Information.” If there is a Parameter ID for the field, you will see it on the new pop-up window.

Where do we keep parameter ID in SAP?

Follow the steps given below to create a SAP parameter ID. Step 1: Go to SM30, enter “TPARA” in Table/View field and press “Maintain”. Step 2: Enter the name of the Parameter ID to be created and press enter. Step 3: Enter the description for the Parameter ID and save it.

What is ID parameter?

Parameter ID is the SAP term that refers to setting a default value so that a particular field is automatically filled in for you. When the default value is filled in, you can still override it for a particular document or query. SAP does NOT provide Parameter IDs for all fields.

How do you define parameters as a data type?

If none of the additions is specified, the parameter has the type c. The data type can be defined using a static reference to an existing data type type, using a static reference to a data object dobj, or using a dynamic reference to a data type from ABAP Dictionary in name.

Where is parameter ID maintained in SAP?

You can mainatin ur own parameter id in table/view TPARA thru tcode sm30.

How do you set parameters?

Creating a parameter set

  1. Enter a name and short description for your parameter set.
  2. Click the Parameters tab.
  3. Click the Values tab.
  4. Enter a name in the Value File name field, then press Enter.
  5. If a default value is not already set, enter a value for each parameter.
  6. Click OK to close the Parameter Set window.

How do you maintain parameters in SAP?

SAP IMG Path: – SPRO > SAP Reference IMG (F5) >>> Personnel Management >>> Personnel Administration >>> Basic Setting >>>> Maintain user Parameter. Select the relevant Country Code by selecting drop down list. After specifies country press enter to continue. Choose the Save icon to save the entries.

How do you check parameters in SAP?


  1. Open transaction RSPFPAR (display profile parameters) on the application server instance for which you want to look at the parameter values. You can switch the instance in transaction SM51.
  2. Choose Execute to display a list of all valid profile parameters for the selected application server instance.

How do you maintain user parameters in SAP?

SAP IMG Path: – SPRO > SAP Reference IMG (F5) >>> Personnel Management >>> Personnel Administration >>> Basic Setting >>>> Maintain user Parameter.

How do I edit a parameter in SAP?


  1. Start SAP GUI or SAP GUI for HTML.
  2. Start Edit Profiles (transaction RZ10).
  3. Choose default profile.
  4. Select Extended maintenance.
  5. To edit or add profile parameters, choose the Change button.
  6. Set the following profile parameters as required.
  7. Save and activate your entries.
  8. Restart AS ABAP.

Where do you define parameter variables?

A parameter variable is defined inside the brackets ( ) of the header of a method.

What is parameter with example?

A parameter is used to describe the entire population being studied. For example, we want to know the average length of a butterfly. This is a parameter because it is states something about the entire population of butterflies.

What is parameter set?

Parameter sets enable you to expose different parameters to the user. And, to return different information based on the parameters specified by the user. You can only use one parameter set at a time.

What is import parameter in SAP?

Import parameters are the values, which are need to be given as input to any function module or program. Export parameters are the values which are to be taken out form the function module or program.

How do I change parameters in SAP?

What is the report to check all the parameters in SAP?

Just run report “rspfpar” in se38 or sa38.It will display all the profile parameters.