How do I add a search bar to my blog?

Adding a search bar to your blog

  1. Open the Website tab from the Dashboard.
  2. Click Pages.
  3. Select the Blog page from your list of website pages.
  4. Then, click Blog Listings from the sidebar editor.
  5. Click Add Content under the Sidebar section.
  6. Select Sidebar Search:

How do I add a blog search on WordPress?

From the Widget Panel

  1. Go to your Admin Dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Appearance > Widgets. Here, you’ll find the widget named Search under the Available Widgets.
  3. Click on it and then hit the Add Widget button. You can also drag it to the Widget Area.
  4. Now go to your site and you’ll see the Search widget on the sidebar.

Can I transfer content from Blogger to WordPress?

Import to Click on the Blogger importer, and you’ll see the import box. Drag your export file into the box, or click the box to select the file on your computer. Once the importer has processed the uploaded file, click the Start Import button.

How do I enable search on Blogger?

Sign in to Blogger. In the top left, choose a blog to list. From the menu on the left, click Settings. Under “Privacy,” turn on Visible to search engines.

How do I create a search bar in WordPress?

How do I get a search bar on my website?

Implementing Google search box

  1. In the Control Panel, click the search engine you want to use.
  2. Click Setup in the sidebar, and then click the Basics tab.
  3. In the Details section, click Get code.
  4. Add this code to your website.
  5. Once you add this code to your website, you will see the Google search bar on your website pages.

How do I transfer my WordPress domain to Blogger?


  1. Log in to your Blogger account, click the drop-down menu and choose “Settings.”
  2. Click “Add a Custom Domain” under the Publishing title, and then click “Switch to Advanced Settings.”
  3. Enter your domain name in the Blog Address text field and click the “Save” button. Your domain is now transferred to Blogger.

How do I use Yoast SEO on Blogger?

Optimize the content with the Yoast SEO plugin.

  1. Enter the Blog Post Title,
  2. Enter the targeted Keyword,
  3. Write your content and follow SEO suggestions (point 7).
  4. Rich Snippet Preview,
  5. Provide permalink. This should be the same for your Blogger blog post,
  6. Please provide a description.
  7. SEO suggestions for the content,

How do I move a WordPress blog to blogger?

When moving a WordPress blog to Blogger, images and other file attachments won’t migrate, and you must set up custom redirects manually. When you transfer a blog from WordPress to Blogger, you’ll need to export the blog, comments, pages, and posts from WordPress, then import those elements into Blogger. Here’s how:

How to import WordPress blog into blogger with pictures?

How-To: Import WordPress blog into Blogger [With Pictures] 1 Step 1: Export Content From WordPress. 2 Step 2: Convert Exported File to Blogger Format. 3 Importing the Content to Blogger. 4 Like this:

How to convert WordPress to blogger with XML?

Point your browser to the WordPress to Blogger converter website. Click the Choose File button and select the XML file you had downloaded from WordPress. Click the Convert button. And that’s all you need to do. Depending on the size of your XML file, the tool will take a few seconds to convert the whole thing to blogger format.

Why won’t blogger recognize a file exported from WordPress?

I faced the same problem when trying to move this blog from a WordPress domain to Blogger. While both the services use the same file format (XML), the underlying structure of data is different which causes Blogger to not recognize a file exported from WordPress.