How do I capture a terminal output in Linux?

Simply right-click on the terminal and press “Copy output as HTML.” This will, then, load the terminal text into your clipboard. From there, you can paste it to any text editor.

How do you save a console output to a text file in Linux?


  1. command > output.txt. The standard output stream will be redirected to the file only, it will not be visible in the terminal.
  2. command >> output.txt.
  3. command 2> output.txt.
  4. command 2>> output.txt.
  5. command &> output.txt.
  6. command &>> output.txt.
  7. command | tee output.txt.
  8. command | tee -a output.txt.

How do I save output files in Linux?

Example: Running Unix/Linux command and saving output to a file

  1. ls -l /bin > file-lists.txt.
  2. cat file-lists.txt.
  3. more file-lists.txt.
  4. # command must be run as root # grep ‘’ /var/log/httpd/access_log > /root/spam-log.txt.
  5. # command must be run as root # grep ‘’ /var/log/httpd/access_log > /root/spam-log.txt &

How do you store the output of a command to a variable in a shell script?

Here are the different ways to store the output of a command in shell script. You can also use these commands on terminal to store command outputs in shell variables. variable_name=$(command) variable_name=$(command [option …] arg1 arg2 …) OR variable_name=`command` variable_name=`command [option …]

How do I save console Writeline output to a text file?


  1. -1.
  2. Save Console contents as log.txt.
  3. Writing Console Output to .txt.
  4. Mirroring console output to a file.
  5. Redirect Trace output to Console.
  6. Problem redirecting debug output to a file using trace listener.
  7. Saving the console application screen in .txt file.
  8. how to write console output to a text file in

How do I redirect a console output to a file in python?

Redirect Print Output to a File in Python

  1. Use the write() Function to Print Output to a File in Python.
  2. Use the print() Function to Print Output to a File in Python.
  3. Use sys.stdout to Print Output to a File in Python.
  4. Use the contextlib.redirect_stdout() Function to Print Output to a File in Python.

How can I see GCC output?

The gcc provides a great feature to get all intermediate outputs from a source code while executing. To get the assembler output we can use the option ‘-S’ for the gcc. This option shows the output after compiling, but before sending to the assembler.

How do I copy the output of a file in Linux?

However, bash allows you to redirect and write the output into the file in Linux or Unix-like systems….I/O redirection summary for bash and POSIX shell.

Shell operator Description Overwrite existing file?
command |& tee output.txt Puts both standard output and error to output.txt while displaying output on terminal Yes

What is CLIP command in Linux?

Clip, adapted from Daeron Meyer’s ginsu module, allows clipping an OOGL object against planes, spheres, or cylinders from the UNIX command line. Its input can come from a file or standard input; output is written to standard output.