How do I connect radio buttons in Visual Studio?

Lets get Started, Open visual studio 2017—>start new project —->Windows Forms Application and name it as RadioButton Control.

  1. STEP 2 – Drag and Drop Control.
  2. STEP 3 – Coding For Button Click Event.
  3. STEP 4 – Compile and Run-Sample output.
  4. STEP 5 – GroupBox Control.
  5. STEP 6 – Coding.

How do I add controls to GroupBox?

Add other controls to the group box, drawing each inside the group box. If you have existing controls that you want to enclose in a group box, you can select all the controls, cut them to the Clipboard, select the GroupBox control, and then paste them into the group box. You can also drag them into the group box.

How do I code a radio button in VB?


  1. Public Class RadioBtn.
  2. Private Sub RadioBtn_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load.
  3. Me.Text = “” ‘ Set the title of the form.
  4. Label1.Text = “Select the Gender”
  5. RadioButton1.Text = “Male” ‘ Set the radiobutton1 and radiobutton2.
  6. RadioButton2.Text = “Female”

What is C# GroupBox?

In Windows form, GroupBox is a container which contains multiple controls on it and the controls are related to each other. Or in other words, GroupBox is a frame display around a group of controls with a suitable optional title. Or a GroupBox is used to categorize the related controls in a group.

How do radio buttons work in C#?

A radio button or option button enables the user to select a single option from a group of choices when paired with other RadioButton controls. When a user clicks on a radio button, it becomes checked, and all other radio buttons with same group become unchecked.

What is GroupBox control?

A GroupBox control is a container control that is used to place Windows Forms child controls in a group. The purpose of a GroupBox is to define user interfaces where we can categories related controls in a group. A GroupBox control is a container control that is used to place Windows Forms child controls in a group.

How do I group radio buttons in VB net?

To group RadioButton controls as a set to function independently of other sets

  1. Drag a GroupBox or Panel control from the Windows Forms tab on the Toolbox onto the form.
  2. Draw RadioButton controls on the GroupBox or Panel control.

How do I code a combobox in Visual Basic?

Double click the icon to add a Combo Box to your form. Or click once with the left hand mouse button, and then draw one on the form. A combo box is a way to limit the choices your user will have. When a black down-pointing arrow is clicked, a drop down list of items appears.