How do I find the second highest salary in SQL query?

The SQL query to calculate second highest salary in database table name as Emp

  1. SQL> select min(salary) from.
  2. (select distinct salary from emp order by salary desc)
  3. where rownum < 3;
  4. In order to calculate the second highest salary use rownum < 3.
  5. In order to calculate the third highest salary use rownum < 4.

What is the correct option for getting the second highest salary in employee table?

Explanation: select top 2 (empID) from employee order by salary DESC would give the two records for which Salary is top and then the whole query would sort it these two records in ASCENDING order and then list out the one with the lowest salary among the two.

What is the query to find second highest salary of employee Mcq?

SELECT name, salary FROM Employee e1 WHERE N-1 = (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT salary) FROM Employee e2 WHERE e2. salary > e1. salary)SELECT name, salary FROM Employee e1 WHERE 2-1 = (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT salary) FROM #Employee e2 WHERE e2. salary > e1.

How do you find top 3 max salary in SQL?

To Find the Third Highest Salary Using a Sub-Query,

  2. FROM (
  4. FROM tbl_Employees.
  6. ) RESULT.

How do I find the third largest salary in SQL?

  1. TOP keyword SELECT TOP 1 salary FROM (SELECT TOP 3 salary FROM Table_Name ORDER BY salary DESC) AS Comp ORDER BY salary ASC.
  2. limit SELECT salary FROM Table_Name ORDER BY salary DESC LIMIT 2, 1.
  3. by subquery. SELECT salary FROM (SELECT salary FROM Table_Name ORDER BY salary DESC LIMIT 3) AS Comp ORDER BY salary LIMIT 1;

How do you find the second highest salary in SQL w3schools?

SELECT MAX(Salary) From Employee WHERE Salary < ( SELECT Max(Salary) FROM Employee); You can use this SQL query if the Interviewer ask you to get second highest salary in MySQL without using LIMIT.

How can we find third highest salary in each department in SQL?

The NTH_VALUE() function explicitly shows you the value of the third-highest salary by department. The ROW_NUMBER() , RANK() , and DENSE_RANK() functions rank the salaries within each department. Then, you can simply find the salary value associated with rank number 3.

How do you get 3 max salary?

The inner query tries to find a distinct sal value that is less than or equal to the records in emp table b. The count is 3, because 50 , 200 , 150 are less than 300 . Since 3 >= 3 (inner query result) the answer is true and 300 is selected. Now the outer loop counter comes to 2nd row i.e 2, 50 .