How do I fix Java out of memory error heap space?

OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space. 1) An easy way to solve OutOfMemoryError in java is to increase the maximum heap size by using JVM options “-Xmx512M”, this will immediately solve your OutOfMemoryError.

What happens when heap memory is full in Java?

Java objects reside in an area called the heap. The heap is created when the JVM starts up and may increase or decrease in size while the application runs. When the heap becomes full, garbage is collected. During the garbage collection objects that are no longer used are cleared, thus making space for new objects.

How do you fix heap memory problems?

There are several ways to eliminate a heap memory issue:

  1. Increase the maximum amount of heap available to the VM using the -Xmx VM argument.
  2. Use partitioning to distribute the data over additional machines.
  3. Overflow or expire the region data to reduce the heap memory footprint of the regions.

How do I check my Java heap space?

You can verify that the JVM is using the increased Java heap space: Open a terminal window. Review the command output. The argument beginning with “-Xmx” will give you the value of the current Java heap space.

What is Java heap space?

Matthew NeSmith / Nov 11, 2020. The Java heap is the area of memory used to store objects instantiated by applications running on the JVM. When the JVM is started, heap memory is created and any objects in the heap can be shared between threads as long as the application is running.

How can we increase heap memory in Java?

To increase the Application Server JVM heap size

  1. Log in to the Application Server Administration Server.
  2. Navigate to the JVM options.
  3. Edit the -Xmx256m option. This option sets the JVM heap size.
  4. Set the -Xmx256m option to a higher value, such as Xmx1024m.
  5. Save the new setting.