How do I identify a gerbera plant?

Gerbera flowers are produced on long leafless stems and vary greatly in size and shape, measuring up to seven inches across. They can be yellow, orange, pink, and/or red. The center of the flower is sometimes brown or black, and often the same flower can have petals of several different colors.

What do gerbera daisy plants look like?

Characteristics. Gerbera daisies have long-lasting 3- to 4-inch flowers that come in numerous shades of yellow, white, pink, red, orange, lavender, salmon, and bicolored. The center floral disk can range from a yellowish to light-bronze to black in color.

What do gerberas flowers look like?

The gerbera is grown for its striking, brightly coloured flowers of orange, red, yellow and many other colours, growing from 30cm-wide rosettes of evergreen leaves. Depending on the variety, the gerbera will have single or double rows of petals surrounding yellow or dark colored centres.

How many varieties of gerbera daisies are there?

With more than 40 varieties of gerbera daisies, this perennial plant comes in a rainbow of colors like red, orange, pink, and yellow and can easily be grown from seeds.

How do I get my gerbera daisy to bloom?

Fertilize every two weeks with a water soluble fertilizer that has a low middle number (like 15-7-15 or 12-2-12). This will help blooming and not leaf growth. Gerberas will not bloom continuously. They bloom, then take about a two week break to refuel then bloom again.

What is the best fertilizer for gerberas?

Feed plants every two weeks with a water-soluble fertilizer, such as a 24-8-16 formula. Once a bloom droops, clip the stem off below the leaves to encourage more. In summer, flowering will slow because of the heat but should pick up again in fall.

What is the harvesting stage of gerbera?

Harvesting is done when outer 2-3 rows of disc florets are perpendicular to the stalk. The heel for the stalk should be cut about 2-3 cm above the base and kept in fresh chlorinated water. Flowers should be graded and sorted out in uniform batches.

How many petals does a gerbera have?

The three petals cannot be distinguished individually. The two remaining petals (called “dorsal” petals), appear to be separate and face the central disk of the flower. The florets therefore have five petals, of which only three are visible. Three less complex gerbera blooms can be seen below.

What do gerbera symbolize?

The gerbera has different meanings to different cultures. The Egyptians believed that they symbolised a closeness to nature and a devotion to the sun, whereas the Celts thought they lessened the sorrows and stresses of everyday life. Generally, gerberas symbolise innocence, purity, cheerfulness and loyal love.