How do I install Zabbix agent on Windows server?

Installation is very simple and includes 3 steps:

  1. Create configuration file. Create configuration file c:/zabbix_agentd.
  2. Install agent as a Windows service. zabbix_agentd.exe –install.
  3. Run agent. Now you can use Control Panel to start agent’s service or run:

How do I add a Zabbix agent to my server?

How to configure and deploy Zabbix passive and active agents:

  1. Install the Zabbix repository and the Zabbix Agent on your host.
  2. Open the zabbix_agentd.
  3. Specify your Zabbix Server address in the Server and ServerActive parameters.
  4. Define the name of your host in the Hostname parameter.
  5. Restart the Zabbix Agent.

How do I start Zabbix agent on Windows?

Go to the Zabbix web browser panel, open Configuration -> Hosts, and click Create host. In the first tab, specify hostname, select one of the existing groups or create new group, and set the IP address of your Windows machine. Then, go to the Template tab and click Select. Select Template OS Windows and click Add.

How do I install and configure Zabbix?

How to Install and Configure Zabbix?

  1. Step 1: Create a LAMP Environment.
  2. Step 2: Configure Zabbix Package Repository.
  3. Step 3: Install Zabbix Server.
  4. Step 4: Create Database Schema.
  5. Step 5: Edit Zabbix Configuration File.
  6. Step 6: Restart Apache and Zabbix.
  7. Step 7: Finishing the Installation.

How do I install Zabbix agent and add a Windows host to a Zabbix server?

How to Add Windows Host to Zabbix Server for Monitoring

  1. Step 1) Download Zabbix Agent for Windows Server.
  2. Step 2) Edit the Zabbix configuration file.
  3. Step 3) Install and start Zabbix Agent on Windows server.
  4. Step 4) Configure Windows firewall for Zabbix Agent.
  5. Step 5) Add a Windows host on Zabbix Server.

For what is Zabbix agent for Windows?

Zabbix agent features native Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) support, enhancing the ability to easily obtain and monitor real-time system information and performance metrics from Windows servers and workstations.

How do I know if Zabbix agent is running on Windows?

After you’ve finished the setup, open Windows Command Prompt with Administrator privileges, run services. msc command in order to open Windows Services utility, and locate Zabbix Agent service to check if the service is running and automatically started after reboot.

Where is Zabbix server configuration file?

The Zabbix installation process created an Apache configuration file that contains these settings. It is located in the directory /etc/zabbix and is loaded automatically by Apache.