How do I prepare for nursing practicum?

When preparing for your practicum, start early and begin with your learning objectives. Write a list of specific skills, competencies and activities you want to address during your practicum. This list can guide you in finding the right place and person. Have this list with you when you discuss practicum opportunities.

What is an NP practicum?

The practicum experience is designed to expose you to diverse patient populations from birth through end of life and provide hands-on experience by assessing, diagnosing and treating a variety of conditions. Later in your career, you may decide to specialize. However, all FNPs start the same way: in family practice.

How many days a week are NP clinicals?

four to six days per week
If you work full-time and attend an NP program part-time, you can expect to spend about four to six days per week in the clinical setting between your preceptorship and work duties.

What makes a good NP preceptor?

An effective NP preceptor will want their students to acquire both hard and soft skills during, and after, the course of their clinical rotation. This distinction is important because many preceptors might have a tendency to leave soft skills behind, or might not know how to teach them.

What is nursing practicum like?

A nursing practicum involves direct patient care, where student nurses meet with patients, evaluate them and participate in treatment. After a nursing practicum is complete, participants are graded on performance.

How long is a nursing practicum?

How long is my practicum? You must complete four sequential, 11-week courses that include both didactic and practicum requirements and complete a minimum of 640 hours of supervised practicum experience (160 hours per course).

What is a practicum preceptor?

A Practicum Preceptor will provide direct supervision to the student. Often, they will serve in a mentoring role, providing the students with valuable guidance, insights, and lessons that can only be gleaned from years of professional experience.

How do I find my FNP preceptors?

Tips for Finding an FNP Preceptor

  1. Start with networking.
  2. Ask at work.
  3. Join a local nurse practitioner organization.
  4. Use social media.
  5. Prepare a packet of information.
  6. Hit the road.
  7. Begin looking early.
  8. Avoid large medical chains.

What do you wear to NP clinicals?

The appropriate student attire for clinical is conservative business/business casual with a professional white lab coat – no scrubs, scrub jackets, jeans, short skirts, plunging necklines, high heels, etc. Makeup, jewelry and other accessories should be minimal and conservative.

Are you smart enough to be a nurse practitioner?

In your undergraduate degree, whether it is in nursing or another field, many nurse practitioner schools will want to see a GPA of at least 3.0. If your GPA is less than this, contact the schools you are interested to see what steps you can take to boost your chances of getting in.