How do I start a service in interactive mode?

Enabling Interactive Mode for Windows Services

  1. Open the Services control panel.
  2. Select the App Connect Secure Connector service.
  3. Right-click the service name, and select Properties.
  4. Select the Log On tab.
  5. Select Local System account and then select Allow service to interact with desktop.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Click Restart.

How do I trigger a Windows service?

The SC tool (sc.exe) can be used to configure or query a service’s trigger events at the command prompt. Use the triggerinfo option to configure a service to start or stop in response to a trigger event. Use the qtriggerinfo option to query the trigger configuration of a service.

How do I start a Windows service manually?

Enable service

  1. Open Start.
  2. Search for Command Prompt, right-click the top result, and select the Run as administrator option.
  3. Type the following command to enable a service and press Enter: sc config “SERVICE-NAME” start=auto In the command, replace “SERVICE-NAME” for the name of the service that you want to enable.

How do I start a service on a Windows server?

Log on to the server with a user ID that is in the Administrators group. From the Windows Start menu, click Run, type services. msc , and click OK. In the Services window, select the server instance that you want to start, and click Start.

What is interactive Windows service?

The Interactive Services Detection is a feature for legacy applications that detect if a service is trying to interact with the Windows desktop. This feature can be disabled by editing a service on the Windows computer.

How do you know if a service is interactive?

To determine whether a service is running as an interactive service, call the GetProcessWindowStation function to retrieve a handle to the window station, and the GetUserObjectInformation function to test whether the window station has the WSF_VISIBLE attribute.

How do you start a service?

How to start a service business

  1. Refine your business idea.
  2. Create a service website.
  3. Write a business plan.
  4. Organize your finances.
  5. Register your business.
  6. Develop a pricing plan.
  7. Level up your skills.
  8. Promote your business.

How do I start a Windows service from the command line?

Use a command prompt

  1. To start a service, type: net start ServiceName.
  2. To stop a service, type: net stop ServiceName.
  3. To pause a service, type: net pause ServiceName.
  4. To resume a service, type: net continue ServiceName.

How do you automatically start a service if it stops?

From the desktop, click Start > Control Panel. Double-click Administration Tools. Double-click NetIQ Operations Center Auto-Restart Service. The Auto-Restart service automatically starts when Windows starts.

How do you run a service?

Use the Run window to start Services (all Windows versions) Press the Win + R keys on your keyboard, to open the Run window. Then, type “services. msc” and hit Enter or press OK.

How do I start services in Windows 10?

You can launch services by opening Start, typing: services then hitting Enter. Or, you can press Windows key + R, type: services. msc then hit Enter. Services feature a very basic interface, but within it are hundreds of services, most bundled with Windows 10 and others added by third parties.