How do I track my blade?
How do I track my blade?
To check blade track, place a smooth board just under the tip of the lower blade. On controllable props, move the tip fore and aft carefully through its small range of motion, making small pencil marks at each position. Center the blade between these marks and draw a line the full width of the blade.
What is rotor blade tracking?
The purpose of tracking the main rotor blades is to obtain a smooth ride. This is accomplished by adjusting the blade track to reduce vibration. An out-of-track condition will produce a vibration, usually a one-per rev which is felt as a vertical vibration.
How do helicopter blades change pitch?
The collective pitch control is usually found at the pilot’s left hand; it is a lever that moves up and down to change the pitch angle of the main rotor blades. Raising or lowering the pitch control increases or decreases the pitch angle on all blades by the same amount.
What is the equipment used to track the blades of a helicopter?
Rotor track is measured by optical sensors which detect the vertical position of the blades. Vibration is measured in the cockpit of the helicopter at the frequency of once per blade revolution (1per rev) by accelerometer, attached to the side of the cockpit.
Do helicopter blades change pitch every rotation?
The cyclic pitch control tilts the main rotor disc by changing the pitch angle of the rotor blades in their cycle of rotation. When the main rotor disc is tilted, the horizontal component of lift moves the helicopter in the direction of tilt.
What direction do helicopter blades rotate?
This is the design that Igor Sikorsky settled on for his VS-300 helicopter, and it has become the recognized convention for helicopter design, although designs do vary. When viewed from above, most American helicopter rotors turn counter-clockwise; French and Russian helicopters turn clockwise.