How do I train for my first 50k?

One important key for a 50k is that if your goal is to run in 7 hours, you should train between 20-30% more than that per week. This means that if you’re aiming to finish your 50k in 7 hours, you should train between 8-9 hours per week in order to feel comfortable running 7 hours in one push during the race itself.

How long does it take to train for a 50k?

In other words, you need at least 6 hours per week of training, for at least 3 weeks, to be successful at the 50K and 50-mile ultra distances. For the 100K and 100-mile ultra distances, you need at least 9 hours of training per week for 6 weeks.

What is a good time for first 50k?

Every runner is different in how long it will take to run a 50K, but a safe bet would be to run 10 to 30 seconds slower per mile than your marathon pace. For example, if your best marathon time is 4 hours (9:09/mile), then your predicted 50K would be around 4:50 to 5 hours (9:20/mile – 9:39/mile).

How far should you run before a 50k?

Take a quick look at the numbers They feel they ‘must’ do a 50-miler in advance of a 100-miler or 20 miles in advance of a 50k. From a physical standpoint, the singular longest long run matters very little. This is because the amount of training you can do on one single day, even if it’s a really big day, is limited.

Can I train for a 50k in 6 months?

You want to go into a race like this being fully confident that you have put in the training and are prepared! So, just how long should you train for a 50k? Properly training for a 50k will take about 6 months.

How long does it take to recover from a 50k?

The longer the race, the longer the recovery. A 50k may only take a couple weeks, but a 100-miler can take 4-6 weeks. Getting back into running too soon is how injuries, overtraining, and central fatigue happen. After an ultra take off the number of days until you feel good, then take off 2-3 more!

Can you train for a 50k in 3 months?

If you are already a runner, you’ve done some 5k runs and maybe a 10k, you can run a 50k in 3-6 months if you train for it.

How long should I taper for 50K?

two to three week
If you are a newbie to ultramarathons or if you have been maintaining very high weekly mileages, a two to three week taper period is recommended.