How do I use Vscode as editor in git?

Using Visual Studio Code as your editor

  1. Install Visual Studio Code (VS Code). For more information, see “Setting up VS Code” in the VS Code documentation.
  2. Open TerminalTerminalGit Bash.
  3. Type this command: $ git config –global core.editor “code –wait”

What editor should I use for git?

On Windows, if you use Git Bash the default editor will be Vim. Vim is another text editor, like nano or notepad. In order to get started Vim there are only a few commands you must remember. in the terminal.

How do I open git editor?

Command to open file with git

  1. I have sublime text as the default editor in git (and it works)
  2. git config –edit opens the config file in sublime text (Awesome)

Can you use git with Visual Studio?

Git Repository window in Visual Studio 2019 Visual Studio has a new Git Repository window, which is a consolidated view of all the details in your repository, including all of the branches, remotes, and commit histories. You can access this window directly from either Git or View on the menu bar or from the status bar.

How do I set Visual Studio as default editor for git?

Quoted from the documentations:

  1. Make sure you can run code –help from the command line and you get help. if you do not see help, please follow these steps: Mac: Select Shell Command: Install ‘Code’ command in path from the Command Palette.
  2. From the command line, run git config –global core.editor “code –wait”

How do I change my git editor?

The command to do this is git config –global core. editor “nano” . You can change the highlighted section with your editor of choice!

Is Visual Studio code the best editor?

So is Visual Studio Code the best code editor? For most web-related development, the answer is yes. While you can use Visual Studio Code for mobile application development, it does require more setting up than you’d have to do if you used Android Studio Code for Android development.

Which IDE works best with GitHub?

That’s why, having some experience in this area, we decided to make our own list of the best IDEs in 2021.

  • 1.Visual Studio.
  • 2.Eclipse.
  • 3.Android Studio.
  • 4.IntelliJ IDEA.
  • 5.PhpStorm.
  • 6.NetBeans.
  • 7.WebStorm.
  • 8.RubyMine.

How do I open Visual Studio code in git bash?

  1. Step 1: Open Terminal in VScode by using the shortcut key Ctrl+~.
  2. Step 2: Then, you have to open settings by File->Preferences->Settings or by pressing Ctrl+, .
  3. Step 3: On clicking, you will see the settings page.
  4. Step 4: And that’s all when you will reopen VS Code then you will see that Git Bash has been integrated.

How do I get the Git tab in Visual Studio?

Adding the GIT menu in VS 2019 Community Edition We will open Visual Studio 2019 Community Edition and select “Extensions-> Manage Extensions” from the top menu. Then, select “Online-> Visual Studio Marketplace” and search for “GIT”.

How do I make GitHub default editor on desktop?

Configuring a default editor

  1. In the menu bar, use the GitHub Desktop drop-down menu, then click Preferences.
  2. In the Preferences window, select Integrations.
  3. Use the “External Editor” drop-down menu, and choose the editor you want to set as your default.
  4. Click Save.