How do you caption a data table?

Here are some tips on using captions:

  1. A figure caption is centered under the figure; a table caption is centered above the table (if a caption is more than one line, make it left justified).
  2. A Figure and its caption should appear on the same page.
  3. All captions should start with a capitalized word and end with a period.

Is table caption required?

Captions and summaries provide information that can help users find, navigate, and understand tables. While they are not required in every case to meet WCAG, captions and summaries are fairly straightforward ways to provide such information that is often needed. A caption functions like a heading for a table.

How do you make a table accessible?

Building Accessible Tables

  1. Include a Header Row. The first row of the table should state what kind of information is contained in each column (rows go across and columns go down).
  2. Use a Simple Table Structure.
  3. Add Alt Text to the Table.
  4. Avoid Blank Cells if Possible.
  5. Don’t Use Screenshots of Tables.

Should the table have a description?

Some data tables must have an accessible description (e.g. summary) of contents of the table. Complex data tables are defined as tables with row and/or column spans, or more than one header cell (e.g. th element) in any row or column of the table.

Can a table have multiple captions?

table can have only one caption . Moreover even caption-side can be only top or bottom (your left value is wrong) so you can’t put it in Y axes.

What is table caption in Word?

Captioning allows you to automatically generate a table of tables and table of figures within your Microsoft Word document. It involves adding a caption to each table, picture or other object and then generating the appropriate table afterwards.

How do you make a table accessible in Word?

Use the Word Accessibility Checker to check for accessibility. In the Ribbon, select the Review Tab, then select Check Accessibility….

  1. Select the top row of the table and right click.
  2. Choose Table Properties.
  3. In the popup window, select the Row Tab and check “Repeat as header row at the top of each page.” Then select OK.

How do I make a table accessible in Word?

How do you add a caption to a table in Word?

Add captions

  1. Select the object (table, equation, figure, or another object) that you want to add a caption to.
  2. On the References tab, in the Captions group, click Insert Caption.
  3. In the Label list, select the label that best describes the object, such as a figure or equation.

How do you write a description of a table?


  1. Start by saying what information is shown.
  2. In the second paragraph give an overview of the most important features of the information.
  3. Be selective and choose the key observations and trends.
  4. Divide your observations into paragraphs about different aspects of the data.