How do you comment a module?

Enter the # symbol followed by your tag. A list of any matching tags will be presented but please note that new tags cannot be added this way. The tags that are entered in a comment can now be searched by clicking on the tag.

How do I comment in Drupal?

Creating a new Comment Type

  1. Navigate to /admin/structure/comment.
  2. Add a new comment type /admin/structure/comment/types/add. Add a title, description and choose the entity type: for example, “Content”.

How do I add comments in Drupal 8?

Add Comment Field

  1. Click on Structure in the toolbar, “Content types” and click on “Manage fields” on the Blog row.
  2. In Drupal’s Standard install profile, it creates a comment field and attaches it to the Article content type.
  3. Select “Comments: comment” from “Re-use an existing field” and click on “Save and continue”.

How do I enable comments in content type in Drupal 8?

how to enable comments for content type in drupal 8?

  1. Navigate to the Content types administration page (Manage > Structure > Content types or
  2. Find the content type you want to enable and click the “Edit” link.
  3. Click the “Manage Fields” tab.
  4. Add a Comment field.

How do you comment a function?

The single line comment is //. Everything from the // to the end of the line is a comment. To mark an entire region as a comment, use /* to start the comment and */ to end the comment.

What does comment mean?

Definition of comment (Entry 1 of 2) 1 : commentary. 2 : a note explaining, illustrating, or criticizing the meaning of a writing Comments on the passage were printed in the margin. 3a : an observation or remark expressing an opinion or attitude critical comments constructive comments.

How do I disable commenting on articles in Drupal?

Login to your admin area. Go to Structure -> Content -> Types ->Comment Settings. Select the option ‘Closed’ present under ‘Default comment setting’ Save the changes.

How do I disable commenting on articles in Drupal 8?

Login to your admin area. Go to Structure >> Content >> Types >>Comment Settings. Select the option ‘Closed’ present under ‘Default comment setting’ Save the changes.

What is the example of comment?

The definition of a comment is a statement or remark. An example of a comment is a statement released in the paper that someone made about a scandal going on. A spoken remark. I have no comment on that.

How do I comment in my code?

Describe the why behind the code you’ve created, not only the apparent information. Developers don’t need the ‘what’ because they can read your code, input parameters, and output to better understand the code. Remember to keep your code comments as concise as possible.