How do you conjugate Mezclar?

Using the chart below you can learn how to conjugate the Spanish verb mezclar in Present tense….Mode: Indicative.

Personal Pronoun Conjugation
Yo mezclo
Tu mezclas
El/Ella mezcla
Nosotros mezclamos

What is the negative Tu command for comer?


Affirmative Imperative Eat! come
Negative Commands Don’t eat! no comas

How do you form a negative imperative in Spanish?

The negative imperative in Spanish is slightly trickier. For informal negative imperatives, take the 1st person singular (hablo), drop the –o (habl-), add the opposite vowel (hable), and add an –s (hables). *Note; Formal Usted is the same form in both affirmative and negative.

What is the TU command for IR?

Affirmative Tú Form Commands

infinitive: affirmative tú command:
decir di
hacer haz
ir ve
poner pon

Is Repartir a regular verb?

✔ repartir is an irregular IR verb.

How do you conjugate Calentar?

Using the chart below you can learn how to conjugate the Spanish verb calentar in Present tense….Mode: Indicative.

Personal Pronoun Conjugation
Yo caliento
Tu calientas
El/Ella calienta
Nosotros calentamos

What is negative command?

Negative informal commands, also called negative tú commands, are used to tell a friend, family member the same age as you or younger, classmate, child, or pet not to do something. examples. No compres la camisa.

What are tu commands?

Tú commands are the singular form of informal commands. You can use affirmative tú commands to tell a friend, family member the same age as you or younger, classmate, child, or pet to do something. To tell somebody not to do something, you would use a negative tú command.

How do you use Repartir?

The French for set off again is the irregular IR verb repartir. To remember this, imagine as you set off again you REpeat the words, “We dePART HERE in sadness, but we will return…” Repartir can also mean: to leave again, to go back; to start, pick up again.

How do you conjugate Repartir?

Conjugate the verb repartir:

  1. yo reparto. tú repartes.
  2. …él ha repartido… …nosotros repartimos… …vosotros repartíais…
  3. repartirás.
  4. repartirías.