How do you cook a beef Nigella roast?

For these joinyts we would suggest starting the beef off in a very hot oven (220c/425F/gas mk 7) for 15 minutes then reduce the oven to 190c/375F/gas mk 5 and cook the beef for 35 minutes per kg/15 minutes per pound for medium beef. Brisket should only ever be pot roasted or braised.

How does Jamie Oliver make beef gravy?

For the gravy, place the tray on the hob over a medium heat. Sprinkle in the flour, then mash everything with a potato masher, scraping up all the goodness from the base of the tray. Stir in the jam, then pour over the wine and let it bubble away for a minute or two, before pouring in the stock.

How do I cook a joint of beef Mary Berry?

Place a frying pan over a high heat until very hot and then brown the beef quickly on all sides. Transfer the fillet to a large roasting tin, spread with a little butter and roast in the preheated oven for 20 minutes for medium rare (8 minutes per 450g/1lb). Remove from the oven to rest for about 10 minutes.

How long do I cook my beef joint for?

If you like rare beef cook the joint for 20 minutes per 450g plus 20 minutes, for a medium result cook the meat for 25 minutes per 450g plus 25 minutes and for a well done joint cook it for 30 minutes per 450g plus 30 minutes. Once the joint is cooked allow it to stand for 10 minutes this will make it easier to carve.

How do I cook a medium rib of beef?

Roast for 20 minutes at 220C/fan 200C/gas 7, then turn the oven down to 160C/fan 140C/gas 3. Cook for 20 minutes per 450g for medium/15 minutes per 450g for rare. Rest the meat for 15-30 minutes in a warm place. Slice the meat neatly away from the bone.

Should you sear beef before roasting?

In order to get the most flavor out of your beef, whether it is for a roast or for a stew, you must first sear it. When you pan sear beef, you quickly cook the outer surface of the meat at a high temperatures so that it caramelizes and forms a crust.

How do you cook Mary Berry roast beef in the oven?

Sit the fillet in the centre of a roasting tin and spread the mustard evenly over the top. Lay the rosemary sprigs around the fillet in the tin and drizzle the beef with oil. Roast in the oven for 20–25 minutes for medium rare (or only 15 minutes, if it is a long, thin fillet).

What’s the best joint of beef for roasting?

The most popular cuts for a roast are:

  • Prime Rib Roast.
  • Rump Roast.
  • Topside.
  • Whole Sirloin or Striploin.
  • Bolar Blade Roast.
  • Eye Fillet Butt.
  • Rump Cap.