How do you define a constant in VBA?
How do you define a constant in VBA?
Declare a Constant in VBA
- Use the keyword “Const”.
- Specify a name for the constant.
- Use the keyword “As” after the name.
- Specify the “Data Type” for the constant according to the value you want to assign to it.
- Equals to “=” sign.
- In the end, the value you want to assign to it.
What is datatype in VBA?
When you specify the data type of a variable in code, it tells VBA to how to store the variable, and how much space has to allocate for it. For example, if you need to use a variable is meant to hold the month number, you can use the Byte data type (which accommodate values from 0 to 255).
What is special cells in VBA?
You can use the SpecialCells in VBA Method to return a Range Object that only holds numbers, text, blank cells, formulae, cells with datavalidation, cells with conditional formatting, the last cell in the worksheet, cells with comments and all visible cells.
How do you use special cells in VBA?
Use Special Cells Method in VBA
- First, declare a variable as range to store that cell address returned by the code.
- After that, refer to the range and use the “SpecialCells” method where you need to specify the “Type” argument with “xlCellTypeLastCell”.
How do you define a constant in Excel?
A constant is a value that doesn’t change (or rarely changes). Because a constant doesn’t change, you could just enter the value right into the formula. For instance, if you want to determine 10% commission on sales, you could use the formula =Sales*. 10.
How can declare variable and constant be proclaimed in the VBA?
To declare constants, you use the VBA Const and Public Const statements. Recall that you typically declare variables using Dim statements, instead. Unlike variables, you can’t change the value of a VBA constant once it’s declared.
What are special cells in Excel?
Selecting special cells in a sheet, for example, cells containing Constants, Formulas, blank cells, and more, enables you to copy, move, delete, color, fill, or protect these cells. We use ‘Go to special’ tool to select the constants, formulas, blank cells etc.
How do you select special cells in Excel?
Follow these steps:
- Begin by doing either of the following: To search the entire worksheet for specific cells, click any cell.
- On the Home tab, click Find & Select > Go To (in the Editing group). Keyboard shortcut: Press CTRL+G.
- Click Special.
- In the Go To Special dialog box, click one of the following options.
What are two types of constants in Excel?
Constants are values that don’t change. They can be numbers, strings, or other values, but, unlike variables, they keep their value throughout your code. VBA recognizes two types of constants: built-in and user-defined.