How do you draw a Petersen graph?

In the mathematical field of graph theory, the Petersen graph is an undirected graph with 10 vertices and 15 edges….

Petersen graph
The Petersen graph is most commonly drawn as a pentagon with a pentagram inside, with five spokes.
Named after Julius Petersen
Vertices 10
Edges 15

What is the size of Petersen graph?

The Petersen graph is maximally non-Hamiltonian: there is a Hamiltonian path between any two nonadjacent vertices. There are 12 pentagons, 10 hexagons, 0 heptagons, 15 octagons 20 nonagons and 0 decagons. The binary code spanned by the cycles is a [15,6,5]-code.

How many faces are in a Petersen graph?

The Petersen graph can be embedded in the real projective plane with 6 faces (as the quotient of a dodecahedron by the antipodal map), or on the torus with 5 faces.

Is Petersen graph self centered?

For n\ge 3, the generalized Petersen graph P(n, 1) is a d-self-centered graph, where d = \lfloor \frac{n}{2} \rfloor + 1. Vertex transitive graphs are self-centered.

How do you find a bipartite graph?

The steps of this algorithm are:

  1. Assign a red color to the starting vertex.
  2. Find the neighbors of the starting vertex and assign a blue color.
  3. Find the neighbor’s neighbor and assign a red color.
  4. Continue this process until all the vertices in the graph are assigned a color.

How many cycles does the Petersen graph have?

Petersen Graph

property value
Hamiltonian graph no
Hamiltonian cycle count 0
Hamiltonian path count 240
hypohamiltonian graph yes

What is the connectivity of Petersen graph?

The r-component connectivity of G denoted as κr(G) is the minimum cardinality of an r- component cut. That is, κr(G) is the minimum number of vertices that must be removed from G in order to obtain a graph with at least r connected components. Therefore, κ2(G) = κ(G), the connectivity of G.