How do you fix a dislocated thumb?

An X-ray is usually used to diagnose a dislocated thumb. The bones may move back into place on their own or a doctor may gently put the joint back with a quick maneuver called a reduction. In some cases, surgery is needed to repair the joint.

How long will it take for a dislocated thumb to heal?

In most cases you will regain full function of your thumb. But it may take 12 to 18 months before all mild pain and swelling goes away and full function returns.

Will a dislocated thumb fix itself?

Outlook for a Dislocated Finger Most simple finger dislocations can be put back into place easily. Full function in the injured finger will usually return. Mild or moderate discomfort or disability can continue for 12-18 months. You may expect some permanent swelling or disfigurement of the injured joint.

Is a dislocated thumb serious?

Sports injuries, falls, and accidents can cause a finger or thumb to dislocate. Dislocating a finger or thumb can be extremely painful and distressing. Although dislocation is not a life-threatening emergency, it is still important to seek prompt medical attention.

What happens if you leave a dislocated finger untreated?

Although a common injury, finger dislocations that are not treated properly can result in chronic pain, stiffness, poor function, and deformity. A dislocated finger is usually painful, swollen, red, visibly crooked, may be numb or tingling, and may be difficult to move.

What happens if you dislocate your thumb?

Dislocated Thumb Symptoms Sharp pain around one or more of the thumb joints. Limited and painful thumb range of motion. Severe swelling and bruising. Tenderness around the damaged area.

How do I know if my thumb is broken or dislocated?

Is my thumb broken or sprained? Both a broken (fractured) thumb and a sprained thumb can cause pain, swelling and bruising, but there are some differences to look for. A broken thumb usually causes more intense pain, and your thumb may look deformed or misshapen. A broken thumb can also cause numbness or tingling.

What is a thumb dislocation called?

Proximal interphalangeal joint dislocation – happens in the joints in the middle of the finger. It is a very common sports injury, sometimes called a jammed finger.

Can you move your thumb if it’s dislocated?

While waiting for help or heading to a clinic, it is important not to move the damaged finger or thumb. Applying ice to the finger may help to reduce pain and swelling. Do not attempt to move the finger bone back into its joint; a qualified healthcare professional must do this.

Can you break your thumb and still bend it?

Can I bend a broken thumb? Depending on the severity of your broken bone, you may still be able to bend your thumb. It is important to pay attention to the other signs of a broken thumb and seek treatment immediately if you suspect a broken bone.

What is the most painful dislocation?

Sudden hip dislocation is a medical emergency when it occurs in adults. It is very painful and can result in significant bleeding into the joint and tissues.

How do I know if I tore a ligament in my thumb?


  1. Pain and severe swelling on the inner part of the thumb immediately after the injury.
  2. Pain and severe swelling on the base of the thumb immediately, or shortly after the injury.
  3. Weakness and instability during grasp or writing.
  4. Loss of motion when attempting to move the thumb circular.

How do you check for a torn UCL in your thumb?

Often thumb UCL injuries can be detected on physical exam, and special x-rays called stress views can also help to confirm the diagnosis. These will also show if arthritis is present. Occasionally and MRI is ordered to visualize if the torn ligament.

How do I know if my thumb joint is damaged?

A broken thumb usually causes more intense pain, and your thumb may look deformed or misshapen. A broken thumb can also cause numbness or tingling. If you’re experiencing pain, bruising and swelling in your thumb after an accident such as a fall, be sure to contact your healthcare provider.

Can you move your thumb if you tore a ligament?

Thumb sprain grades Grade 2 sprains: These involve a partial tear of a ligament. The thumb may be tender and painful to move, or it may feel unusually loose. Grade 3 sprains: These entail a complete tear of a ligament. The sprain may be very painful, and it may be difficult to move the thumb.

Can a torn thumb UCL heal itself?

A torn ligament cannot fully heal itself. Surgery for the thumb collateral ligaments is usually done as an outpatient procedure, meaning you will probably go home the same day as the surgery.

Can a thumb UCL tear heal without surgery?

UCL injuries can be treated surgically or non‐surgically. Non‐surgical or conservative options include plaster or splint immobilization (Sollerman 1991).