How do you forecast cloud heights?

How to estimate cloud bases and heights

  1. Find the difference between the temperature at the surface and the dew point.
  2. Divide the difference between 2.5.
  3. Multiply the result by 1,000.
  4. This will then give you the height above ground level.
  5. Add the elevation of the airfield and this will give height above sea level.

Can cloud heights be estimated?

1) Calculate the ‘spread,’ where you’re taking the current temperature and subtracting the dew point. 2) Divide the spread by 4.4 (if temperatures are in °F) or 2.5 (if temperatures are in °C), then multiply by 1000. This will give you cloud base in feet above ground level. Was this article helpful?

What is the average cloud ceiling height?

Cloud Ceiling Definition High clouds have base heights of 3,000 to 7,600 meters (10,000 to 25,000 ft) in polar regions, 5,000 to 12,200 meters (16,500 to 40,000 ft) in temperate regions, and 6,100 to 18,300 meters (20,000 to 60,000 ft) in the tropical region.

Are cloud heights MSL or AGL?

Remember, METAR and TAF report the height of clouds AGL, not MSL.

What determines cloud level?

Clouds are classified according to the height of their bases above the ground. Low clouds generally have bases below about 6,500 feet above the surface; middle clouds, about 6,500 to 20,000 feet; high clouds, 20,000 and higher.

What is the lowest cloud ceiling?

If the cloud is on or near the ground and the sky is obscured, the base of the fog is usually reported as zero. If there is some horizontal visibility and the base of the cloud deck is discernable, the lowest reported ceiling value would be 100 feet.


Heights in METAR and TAF are always stated as height AGL. On the other hand, heights in graphic area forecasts (GFA) and PIREPs are normally stated as height ASL, since terrain heights are variable over the larger area covered.